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Displaying special message in detail band

edited September 2004 in General

I have a Master-Detail report in OnNoData I print a special message to the
report when there is no data available. This works fine. But in the detail
band of the child report on the BeforePrint event I set the visibility of
the detail band based on a set of filters the user can set and if the
message that goes in the detail band is one the user does not want to see I
set the visibility of the detail band to false and if it is a message the
user wants to see I set the visibility to true. The problem is when the
only messages that get returned by the query are all ones the use does not
want to see I do not get a message on the screen saying no data available
(or all messages filtered out).

How can I determine if all the messages have been filtered out and I need to
display my special text?

Is there a better way to do what I'm doing? There are a large number of
filters so trying to only retrieve messages the user wants to see via the
query would be impossible.

Thanks in advance,
Rodger Van Kirk


  • edited September 2004

    Not sure that I completely understand the question, but I was able to create
    a simple example. I created a variable

    gNoData: Boolean;

    In the childreport OnStartFirstPass event I initialize it

    gNoData := True;

    In the childreport DetailBand BeforePrint event, I set it to false if the
    band is visible

    if {filter logic} then
    Report.DetailBand.Visible := False
    Report.DetailBand.Visible := True;

    if Report.DetailBand.Visible then
    gNoData := False;

    I added a TppLabel to the childreport SummaryBand with a caption of 'No
    Data'. In the SummaryBand BeforeGenerate event I toggle the visibility

    lblNoData.Visible := gNoData;

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2004

    This appears to have done exactly what I wanted.

    Rodger Van Kirk

  • edited September 2004

    I came across one problem when printing this report on several customers.

    If the customer has data it prints ok.

    If all the data is filtered out everything prints ok.

    But if there is no data available for this customer both the "Data filtered
    out of view" message (described below) and the "No data available" message
    created in the OnNoData event are displayed. I stepped through the code and
    found that the BeforeGenerate event for the summary band gets fired before
    the OnNoData event so I can not simply set the gNoData := False in the
    OnNoData event. I believe the following code will fix my problem but I'm
    not sure what property to look at.

    If I modify the BeforeGenerate of the summary band to something like this:

    lblNoData.Visible := (gNoData) and (ppChildReport.RecordCount > 0);

    ppChildReport.RecordCount property does not exist but I was wondering if
    there was something like that, that I could use to determine if the OnNoData
    event is going to fire off?

    Thanks in advance,

    Rodger Van Kirk

  • edited September 2004

    You can use the following...

    if Report.DataPipeline.Bof and Report.DataPipeline.Eof then
    {no records in dataset}
    {the dataset contains at least one record}

    Note: In Delphi, the TDataSet has a RecordCount property. However
    referencing this property can cause a huge slowdown in performance - it
    causes all records to be sent over the network from the database to the
    client machine. Therefore RB avoids using it.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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