Passing report definition to DLL
I'm trying to consolidate some code and would like to pass report(s)
to a dll which will print the report and then do some general cleanup.
However, when I try the following:
function Print_Report(the_report : tppreport) : boolean; stdcall;
external ...dll
call print_report(some_report) I get an access error.
1st is it possible to have an dll print reports defined outside of the
2nd if so do I also need to pass the pipeline etc?
to a dll which will print the report and then do some general cleanup.
However, when I try the following:
function Print_Report(the_report : tppreport) : boolean; stdcall;
external ...dll
call print_report(some_report) I get an access error.
1st is it possible to have an dll print reports defined outside of the
2nd if so do I also need to pass the pipeline etc?
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