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Using RB6.03 - would upgrading to 7.04 fix these problems...

edited November 2004 in General

A few of our users have reported the following problems, and i seem to
remember seeing a post or two stating that there were fixes/patches for
these, but I wanted to confirm wether these were rolled into RB7.04 or if i
would need to ask for a specific patch (or even if im imagining it):

1/ Canvas does not allow drawing
I think i saw a specific message a few days back to the affect that this was
sorted. We have seen it, but rarely (usually in a citrix/terminal services

2/ Image printed as a black square
You can print the same report over and over but one in four of the print
outs will have a black square where an image (typically a company logo)
should be. We have been getting this at some sites, and it remains random.
Again, i think i saw a posting a while back saying that there was a patch
available on request? So, if there was, is that patch already rolled up
into 7.04?

Thanks in advance, the RB components themselves are rather cool (well, i
didnt want this to be a depressing sounding "ive got a problem" post ;-). Im
sure im not using them to their utmost, but what i can do with them is
rather satisfying.



  • edited November 2004
    Hi Dave,

    It looks as though upgrading to ReportBuilder 7.04 will solve both of these
    issues. Note that if you upgrade to RB 7.04 now, you will receive a free
    upgrade to ReportBuilder 9 when it is released.

    1. There was an issue in RB 6.03 where the "Canvas does not allow drawing"
    exception was raised when an application did not have security access to
    print. The issue was resolved for ReportBuilder 7.

    2. The patch for 7.03 resolving some of the black square image issues was
    added to RB 7.04.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2004
    > 2/ Image printed as a black square

    Just a follow up to my own post - i have one site now with this problem
    happening all the time, wheras it used to be intermittent. they now have an
    urgency on me to fix it, so i have ordered 7.04 anyway in the hope that it
    does address this, otherwise, is there a link to a patch that you can also
    send me?

  • edited November 2004
    Cool... ignore my other post then (aside from the order placed comment, that
    still stands ;), -- net delay in affect :-)

  • edited November 2004
    Hi Dave,

    Unfortunately, we are not able to provide customers with old patches.
    Regardless, the image patch would not work with RB 6 as it was a patch for
    RB 7.03. When you receive your copy of RB 7.04, you might take a look at
    the changes made to the ppUtils.pas file and see if you can make the proper
    changes to the RB 6 source. I am unsure this will be possible as it has not
    been tested.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2004
    I had the same problem on some types of laser printer which was resolved by
    setting the image transparancy to true (or false - I can't actually remember
    which way around it was).

    Jason Law

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