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Why Report Designer run in new window on taskbar Windows?

edited November 2004 in General
Hello, I'm upgrading from Report Buidel 6.02 to 7.04!
First impression is very good! Fixed many AV and Errors,
but I have questions:

ppDesigner1.ShowModal was showing in new window (icon) on taskbar window
together with icon of my application (Project1)

How to fix it?:
I to run ppDesigner1.ShowModal in one window on taskbat with my application

Nikolai Bochkarev


  • edited November 2004
    Hi Nikolai,

    We made the decision to add the designer to the taskbar for RB 7 from the
    many requests of other users. In RB 6, if you minimize the designer window
    with other windows active, it is sometimes difficult to re-locate the
    designer if you would like to use it again. Placing it in the task bar
    seemed to solve this issue. However, as you probably know, it is hard to
    please everyone :). If you would like to revert back to the way RB 6 worked
    you will need to comment out one line of code in the RB source.

    In the ppDsIntf.pas file, comment out the following line of code from the
    TppComponenetDesigner.CreateParams method.

    Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_APPWINDOW;

    The same will occur for the Report Explorer unless you comment out the same
    line of code located in the ppExpFrm.pas file.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2004
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Any chance this can be an option/property in the future versions?
  • edited November 2004
    >In the ppDsIntf.pas file, comment out the following line of code from the

    Fank you, Nico Cizik!

    Nikolai Bochkarev
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