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OnRecordPositionChange Behavior in RB7

edited January 2005 in General
In RB6, TppDBPipeline.OnRecordPositionChange does not fire when there
are no records. In RB7, it does. TppDBPipeline.SkipWhenNoRecords is
True in both cases.

Was this an intentional design change? I can't find anything about it
Release.doc, RBuilder.hlp, the datapipelines newsgroup, or the general


Jon Robertson
Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
MedEvolve, Inc


  • edited January 2005
    Jon Robertson wrote:

    I meant to say that we're using Delphi 6, RB 6.03 & RB 7.03. Customers
    on the current version of our product have RB7 reports, customers on
    earlier versions have RB6 reports.


    Jon Robertson
    Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
    MedEvolve, Inc
  • edited January 2005
    I found the culprit. In RB 7.03:


    1647: {required for linked DataPipelines to ensure DataPipeline.State
    is accurate}
    1648: if (DataPipeline <> nil) and (DataPipeline.Active) then
    1649: begin
    1650: DataPipeline.State := [];
    1651: DataPipeline.First;
    1652: end;

    Before line 1650 executes, DataPipeline.State = [ppdaNoRecords]. After
    1650 executes, of course DataPipeline.State = []. Then,
    DataPipeline.First is called:


    2047: if (ppdaNoRecords in FState) then Exit;

    When FState = [ppdaNoRecords], then TppDataPipeline.First should exit
    without doing much. However, since FState was reset to [], this
    doesn't happen.

    Here's the relevant code from 6.03:

    1551: {required for linked DataPipelines to ensure DataPipeline.State
    is accurate}
    1552: if (DataPipeline <> nil) then
    1553: DataPipeline.First;

    Note that 6.03 doesn't clear DataPipeline.State.

    Jon Robertson
    Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
    MedEvolve, Inc
  • edited January 2005
    Hi Jon,

    This behavior is the result of a bug fix for ReportBuilder 7. The fact that
    this event fires when the pipeline is empty should not however effect the
    generation of your reports unless you are processing some information inside
    this event in which case you will need to take this new behavior into
    account. What exactly are you doing inside this event? Perhaps I can help
    you find a different way to accomplish the same task.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2005
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Well, considering that the event is "On Record Position Change", we
    *assume* that the dataset has valid data in it. Since the dataset is
    empty, we're getting various errors.

    Considering my last post, TppReport.StartOfMainReport is now clearing
    ppdaNoRecords from FState. If this is a bug fix, it looks more like a
    hack. ppdaNoRecords is a valid state when the dataset is empty.
    Whatever bug was fixed, there should be a way to fix it without
    removing ppdaNoRecords from State. I'd say that calling a "Record
    Position Change" event on an empty datset seems to be a bug itself.

    We have a hack of our own. We can add:

    if TppDBPipeline(Sender).DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount = 0 then Exit;

    at the top of every OnRecordPositionChange event. However, we have 150
    reports built with RBuilder. I don't consider this a reasonable

    Jon Robertson
    Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
    MedEvolve, Inc
  • edited January 2005

    I realize you are frustrated with the changes that have been made with the
    functionality of ReportBuilder and I apologize. However this fix was made
    over 4 years ago due to the fact that the pipeline state was not being
    properly reset in a master/detail report when the data was altered. The
    change was made long enough ago without complaint from our customers for us
    to declare that this is simply the way ReportBuilder works now. If I were
    to change this behavior again, I could potentially break thousands of other
    reports that have been created with the knowledge that the
    OnRecordPositionChange event will fire regardless the amount of data present
    in the dataset.

    I would still like to know how you are using the OnRecordPositionChange
    event and perhaps see an example of the problem you are experiencing. This
    way I will be able to see what exactly you are trying to accomplish and I
    may be able to either make a change to our source or provide a suggestion
    for yours to make the transition from RB6 to RB7 less time consuming. The
    purpose of these newsgroups is to provide friendly help and incite for those
    having issues with ReportBuilder, not to criticize our world renowned
    support or bug fixes. I feel the suggestions above will be a good step
    towards a solution to the problem you are experiencing.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2005
    > this fix was made over 4 years ago

    RB7 was released on August 25, 2002, according to
    http://www.digital-metaphors.com/Subpages/Support/News/News.html. This
    "fix" is not in RB 6.03. From my standpoint, it was certainly not over
    four years ago.

    The pipeline state is now ALWAYS reset, even if the data is not
    altered. IMHO, this bug could have been fixed without removing
    ppdaNoRecords from State. By doing so, you have introduced a new bug,
    because the pipeline does not have records and therefore State *should*
    contain ppdaNoRecords.

    I would say any code that expects OnRecordPositionChange to fire when
    no records are present needs more attention than my code does.

    I have attached a text file with five examples. In each of these
    examples, we are determining if particular columns (fields) have
    changed values since the previous row and taking action if the data did
    change. Sometimes we're only looking at a single column. Other times
    we're looking at a combination of columns.

    Debugger Exception Notification
    Project ReportTester.exe raised exception class EVariantTypeCastError
    with message 'Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type
    (Double)'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.
    OK Help

    This exception occurs on the following line because .Value returns a
    NULL since the dataset (pipeline) contains no data:

    if LastDate <> Trunc(plApptByRs.FieldObjects['PA_Start'].Value) then

    But converting nothing (NULL) into something isn't the problem. The
    problem is that we EXPECT there to be data to evaluate in
    OnRecordPositionChange, and now there isn't. If there is no data,
    there's no point in our code executing.

    You could fix the bug so that TppDataPipeline.State contains
    ppdaNoRecords when the dataset has no records.

    Any suggestion will require us to modify our reports, rebuild them, and
    redistribute them. Adding the hack

    if TppDBPipeline(Sender).DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount = 0 then Exit;

    at the top of each OnRecordPositionChange event in our reports is
    simple. It restores our reports to RB6 functionality without making
    major logic changes. I can't imagine a change to our source that is
    less time consuming. I've spent more time in this newsgroup than the
    change would take to make. It's the redeploying the new reports
    that'll take a while.

    Denying that this is a bug is not helpful. Yes, I understand that
    another bug was fixed. But a new bug was created in the process. Is
    there a legitimate reason that TppDataPipeline.State should NOT contain
    ppdaNoRecords when the dataset has no records?

    We've used RB for six years. This is the first time in *four* years
    that we've needed support. RB is a great product. I vote for it every
    year in the various Delphi awards.

    If I can't voice criticism of the support I received, I can't expect it
    to improve. Thanks for informing me that you're not interested in

    I have the best solution I can get. Even if the bug is fixed, I still
    have to rebuild and redeploy 150 reports to 150 customers.

    I spent the time and energy to find the cause of a bug in RB7, thinking
    that it might benefit you or other RB customers.

    Jon Robertson
    Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
    MedEvolve, Inc
  • edited January 2005
    Jon Robertson wrote:

    I forgot the attachment. My apologies. I hate it when I do that.

    Jon Robertson
    Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
    MedEvolve, Inc
  • edited January 2005
    > this fix was made over 4 years ago due to the fact that the pipeline

    Out of curiousity, which pipeline state? The master pipeline or the
    detail pipeline?

    Jon Robertson
    Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
    MedEvolve, Inc
  • edited January 2005

    For future reference we prefer you send all attachments to us by email.

    Thank you for the example and feedback. If possible, I would like to
    continue this conversation through email. Please send the attachement as
    well as any other helpful information to (nico AT digital-metaphors DOT


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.