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How to make WEB link to custom parameters report

edited February 2005 in General
How can I make an web link for my custom parameters report with parameters
like id_org and date.

If I go step by step:
1. open Report Explorer (on web)
2. click on my own AutoSearch Parameters.rtm
3. that opens new page Custom Search Form (mySearchParameterForm.htm)
when I insert my values for parameters id_org and date
4. my report with id_org and date is showen correctly

But I want to have a link with parameter to show my AutoSearch Parameter

http://...????....?id_org=?&date=2004 ??????


  • edited February 2005

    Tech Tips: How can I request that the webtier
    execute a specified report?


    Without using the Web ReportExplorer, how can I request that the webtier
    execute a specified report?


    The webtier processes requests for web content. These requests consists of

    1. The URL for the webtier


    2. A parameter specifying the content type.

    example: content=viewer

    {note: content=viewer, is used to request report viewer content.}

    3. Additional parameters that are specific to the content request.

    volume=Report Forms (the volume name)
    Name=Basic\Biolife Table (the full path name to the report)
    frameset=1 (show the framset with the toolbar etc., this is required)

    Use a web browser to access the webtier demo that displays the report

    Notice that when you place the mouse over a report in the report explorer
    that the status bar in IE shows the url plus some params. That is the string
    required to run the report on the web tier.

    Forms&name=Basic\Biolife Table&framset=1

    So the parameters here are

    content=viewer (type of content is report viewer)
    volume=Report Forms (the volume name)
    Name=Basic\Biolife Table (the full path name to the report)
    frameset=1 (show the framset with the toolbar etc., this is required)

    4. AutoSearch Parameters

    To specify autosearch parameters for a report, include the parameter
    'newsearch=T' followed by the autosearch parameters.

    AutoSearch parameters have the following naming convention: asgXfYse and

    The asgX specifies the autosearch group number, where X is the number. The
    fY specifies the field number, where Y is the number. The se indicates that
    the value is a search expression and the sa specifies that the value is the
    "show all" boolean expression.



    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Ok I have succeed to execute a specified report. You realy helped me. But
    now I can't open or execute some other report.

    I have rbReportFormVolumeReg to register an dm0013.pas,... this report uses
    sessions for SQL parameters. All works fine. Data is showen correctly. But I
    still want to access this report by web link.
    I have use your solution but the myLoginPage.htm is showen insted of report

    I register my report vith this:
    TrsReportCatalog.RegisterReport('pay', 'money', 'ppReport1', Tfrm0013);

    Link created if I go step by step (myLoginPage->...Report.dll/Login->money):

    And my link for so registered report should be:

    But that does not work?????

    Please assist me...


  • edited February 2005
    I just tried the following but it does not work?????

    1. Compile the RBServer\Demos\Servers\Main\rbServer.dpr application and got
    it running within the context of ReportBuilder Services.

    2. Compiled and build the RBServer\Demos\Web Tier\Custom
    Parameters\Report.dpr application to get Report.dll

    3. Performed a simple test to make sure the applications are up are running
    propertly. To do this I pasted the following into my web browser

    4. To request a specific report, I pasted in the following and it worked
    properly. Forms&name=Basic\Biolife Table&framset=1

    These link does not worf for me. The myLoginPage is showen insted of report.
    I have not change nothing, just compiled, bulid and run the demo.
    What is wrong?

  • edited February 2005

    You need examine the code to the demo and run it within the context of the
    Delphi Web debugger.

    From looking at the code, the custom parameters demo is designed to display
    the login page if a request is made that does not contain a valid SessionId.
    In other words the demo has implemented a custom security scheme.

    Trace this code.....

    function TWebModule1.ProcessDefaultRequest(aWebRequest: TrsWebRequest):


    if not rsWebTier1.SessionExists(aWebRequest) then
    Result := GetLoginPage(aWebRequest)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Ok that works.

    But, sorry I have another question. Like I sad, I am using:
    - WebTier
    - "Form-based Report Aplication Server" with rbReportFormVolumeReg to
    registrate my own reports where I use IBQuery for SQL with parameters like
    ID_ORG and DATE.

    How can I get these parameters ID_ORG and DATE from htm and use them in SQL?
    With sessions there is no problem. All works fine, parameters are passed to
    SQL and data is showen correct if I go step by step
    (myLoginPage->submit->click on the report->correct data in report).

    But how can I do that if I want to execute specific report like web link.

    Can I go directly to report when I submit myLoginPage. Not to show
    explorer. And is it possible to have on myLoginPage some radio buttons to
    check wich report should be shown when I submit it.

    Or if there is some other solution to do that, maybe with GET method

    but how to get these new two parameters te be used as SQL parameters???

  • edited February 2005

    1. Yes, include the custom parameters with the web request


    The parameters from the web request get parsed and stored to the
    TrsWebRequest.ContentParameters[] array.

    2. In the WebTier those items will appear in the
    TrsWebRequest.ContentParameters array. You can transfer them to the
    TrsWebRequest.SessionParameters array. For an example see
    TWebModule1.ProcessLoginRequest method in the custom parameters WebTier

    aWebRequest.SessionParameters['ID_ORG'].Value :=

    3. When WebTier.ProcessWebRequest is called, the parameters will be sent to
    the server and you can use them there. To use them in a report, you will
    want to use the volume's BeforePublishReport event. For form based reports,
    this is a little tricky because the ReportModuleVolume is created
    internally. Here is an example of how to assign event-handlers to it..


    4. The BeforePublishReport event has a parameter called aEventParams that is
    an object of type TrsBeforePublishReportEventParams. See the online help for
    this object, it has properties that provide access to the report,
    sessionparameters etc. The custom parameters demo on the server side shows
    an example of using this event.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Nard thank you for your halp. Your example really helped me. Now I can say
    that my project is workin like I want.

  • edited February 2005

    Excellent :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Sorry but I have one more problem :)

    If I want to execute two reports at the same time, with different Form Based
    Reports, the "Connection timed out" message is showen.
    I tried Main Server Demo with my Form Based Reports and I have the same
    problem if I go step by step (myLoginPage->Report Explorer->execute selected
    Report). No matter that two different sessions were created.

    If I want to execute two specified reports at the same time

    two different sessions are created and Connection timed out.

    Any idea how to solve this problem?

  • edited February 2005
    Sorry multi-thread is not the problem of the Report Builder and I have
    solved it. Thanx anyway.

    Now I can really say that my WebTier application is working 100%. Just tu
    get the next maintanence release of ReportBuilder to solve the printing
    problem wich I am working with Nico Cizak. Do you maybiy now the date of
    Or is it possible to get it now? Because I really need print function :).

    Thank you again for your help. You really helped me.

  • edited February 2005
    Thank you for patch.

    I have extract it to RBuilder\Lib and I have deleted all the associated
    files (.dcu), compile and build my project, but that does not solve the
    printing problem (Access Volation).

    If I use Pragnaan PDF there is no printing problem.

  • edited February 2005
    Hi Riga,

    Unfortunately we were not able to fix the image printing problem with a
    patch. This issue will be addressed for the next release of ReportBuilder.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.