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Zoomsetting not working in Delphi 7 with RB 7.03

edited February 2005 in General

I have just converted from Delphi 5 using Report Builder 6.03 to Delphi 7
with Report Builder 7.03. I am going thru some old projects and recompiling.
I found the following problem:

The Zoomsetting is not working in Delphi 7, I have included the ppViewr in
the uses clause but Delphi still complains about the zsWholePage.
"Undeclared identifier: 'zsWholePage'"

ppRep.PreviewForm.WindowState := wsMaximized;
TppViewer(ppRep.PreviewForm.Viewer).ZoomSetting := zsWholePage;

Does anyone have any ideas?




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