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Prblem with current record

edited February 2005 in General
I have the following on a ppDBPipeline:

Master data pipeline : ppDBPipeline_Customer_Table
RangeBegin := rbCurrentRecord
RangeEnd := reCurrentRecord

Datasource := DataModule2.DataSource_Ticket_Reports
RangeBegin := rbCurrentRecord
RangeEnd := reCurrentRecord

Masterfield is link by Cust_Num.

The report is called ppReport_Second_Letter.Print

The on clickevent of a button is as follows:

procedure TForm1.Button21Click(Sender: TObject);
today : string;

today := DateToStr(Now); // get todays date

:= today; // post todays date;
DataModule2.Table_Tickets.FieldByName('Ticket_Status').AsString :=
'2nd Letter Sent ?85'; // post the status change;
DataModule2.Table_Tickets.FieldByName('Fine_amount').AsString :=
'85'; // post the amount change;

Datamodule4.ppDBPipeline_Customer_Table.RangeBegin :=
Datamodule4.ppDBPipeline_Site_Table.RangeBegin := rbCurrentRecord;
Datamodule4.ppDBPipeline_Customer_Table.RangeEnd :=
Datamodule4.ppDBPipeline_Site_Table.RangeEnd := reCurrentRecord;


The report has worked fine beacause we have only had 1 ticket per customer
in the Site_Table.

When I run the report and select the 2nd or 3rd Ticket record the report
shows only the 1st ticket record details.
The DBgrid does not show the first record it stays at the current record.

Am I missing something here.

Cheers SteveW.


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