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Subreports, same template and same datapipeline??

edited March 2005 in General
I have a requierment to produce a merged report containing 1 or more
copies of the same report, each with different where conditions in the

ppDailySummary2 (Only has a detail band)
etc, etc.

To create the report at runtime I use the following, the OnPrint closes
the dataset, re-writes the sql and then re-opens the dataset.

ReportStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
for RepCounter := 1 to SelectedReports.count do
SubReport := TppSubReport.Create(nil);
SubReport.Band := ppDailySummary2.DetailBand;
SubReport.PrintBehavior := pbSection;
SubReport.ResetPageNo := false;
SubReport.OnPrint := ppDailyReportSubreportPrint;
SubReport.Tag := RepCounter;
SubReports.DataPipeline := ppplInfoPage;

It works fine, print previews okay, save to pdf etc ok (using Gnostice)
but when I print to a printer from the print preview the first
page/subreport is blank when printed, all others subreports are printed

I get the same problem if I set the PassSetting to psTwoPass, while the
print preview is generating the various pages I can see the first page
ok, as soon as the second pass is complete the first page goes blank!

I've read warnings about using subreports with the same datapipeline
but do I have to go to the lengths of creating multiple pipelines,
datasources and datasets at runtime to support the requierement?

I've also tried CachePages = true but this doesn't make any difference.

Any help would be really appreciated.


(D7.1/RB9.01 Ent)


  • edited March 2005
    Hi Cary,

    Usually when the preview output does not match the printed output, it is due
    to some event code firing at an unwanted time (perhaps twice in your case).
    Try placing a stop in each of your event handlers and note the differences
    between the events that fire during the preview and during printing.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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