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out of memory error

edited May 2005 in General

I am running into an 'out of meory' error when I run a report that produces
many pages. It's a report that lists all transactions the client has ever
done. This one client's report is closed to 3,000 pages and it always fails
around page 2,800. This is a simple report, no subreports, only 2 data
pipelines: one for the report header and one for the report body, and there
is only 1 grouping. There are a variety of components used in the report
including TppMemo, TppDBMemo, TppDBText, TppLabel, TppDBCalc and some
others. I'm using RB 7.01 for Delphi 7 and IBXpress v7.0.2.0. It's a
relatively large dataset (about 65,000+ records) but not something crazy, is
there something I can do to avoid it? Thank you.



  • edited May 2005
    Hi Bill,

    Some things to try...

    Be sure you have the Report.CachePages property set to False. Also, try
    turning off the report outline as this can tend to take up a lot of memory
    for longer reports.

    You may also want to try upgrading to the latest version of ReportBuilder
    (9.02) and see if that helps the issue.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2005
    Thanks. I tried the first suggestions but it still failed. I will see if we
    can get RB 9.02.

    But just a general question, can the error be avoided by a better design of
    the report or using different components? Or it's inevitable if a report
    produces thousands of page, it will eventually run out of memeory would it?
    The reason I asked is that I had another report that produces about 1,500
    pages for a client, it used to have the same error, but after we changed to
    use TClientDataSet instead of TIBQuery for the data the error went away. But
    I'm not sure if the error will come back later as the client's data gets


  • edited May 2005
    Hi Bill,

    If it's working correctly with a TClientDataset and not with the TIBQuery,
    it may be an issue with the Interbase query. Have you been able to run a
    report this size using any other databases? What do your reports consist
    of? Usually if you use numerous different large images on each page, this
    can cause memory problems.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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