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How to adding a hint mesage for ptint Button

edited May 2005 in General
Hi everybody

I need to know how to configure next action:
I need to show a hint message when I get near cursor at button print

If someone can help me I Would appreciate you
when i


  • edited May 2005

    You will need to create a custom preview to add this functionality. See the
    following articles for more information.

    Tech Tip: Replacing Built-in Dialogs/Forms in ReportBuilder

    ReportBuilder has an open architecture for replacing any of the built-in
    dialogs. You can replace any of the built-in dialogs by creating a new form
    that inherits from an abstract ancestor and then registering it as the new
    built-in dialog.

    For example to replace ReportBuilder's print dialog you could

    1. Create a new Print dialog by renaming ReportBuilder's default print
    dialog, then doing a SaveAs to save it under another unit name.

    The default dialog resides in RBuilder\Source\ppPDlg.pas and the form is
    called ppPrintDialog. You should assign your form a unique name, for
    example, myPrintDlg, and save the unit to another name. Also save the unit
    to the directory where your other forms are stored (not RBuilder\Source).

    2. Make desired changes.

    You will notice that the print dialog inherits from an ancestor
    TppCustomPrintDialog - this ancestor resides in ppForms.pas (where all the
    abstract ancestor forms for ReportBuilder are defined).

    3. Register the new form.

    Declare an initializtion section at the bottom of the unit:


    ppRegisterForm(TppCustomPrintDialog, TMyPrintDialog);

    4. Add the new unit to your project and compile.

    Now your preview dialog should be automatically created and destroyed by
    ReportBuilder. The two page preview dialog in the
    RBuilder\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpro was created this same way. The only
    difference is the ppRegisterForm call is in then OnClick event of the

    Article: Creating a Preview Plugin

    Q: I've followed the tutorials and registered a Preview Form replacement but
    that did not affect the TppDesigner's Preview workspace.

    A: Do not use the form replacement, but rather, there is a different
    architecture built into the preview form that is registered by default.

    You will need to register a TppPreview descendent. The class you register
    is used to create the preview controls inside the standard print preview
    form and the designer preview workspace.

    Here is an example of creating a simple custom preview that access the
    viewer its been assigned in order to change the page color. You can also do
    more advanced operations such as adding and removing buttons and change the
    behavior of the preview form. Access the inherited controls via. protected
    properties and override the virtual methods in order to customize behavior.

    Open ppPreview.pas and view the TppPreview class as a guide to create a
    custom preview descendent.

    unit MyPreviewPlugin;



    TMyPreviewPlugin = class(TppPreview)
    procedure BeforePreview; override;




    procedure TMyPreviewPlugin.BeforePreview;
    inherited BeforePreview;

    Viewer.PageColor := clRed;






    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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