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Barcode problem

edited May 2005 in General
Ups,....sorry for post in announcements newsgroup.....


I am using Delphi 6 with update pack 2 and RB9.02

I have CGI application wich returns a pdf stream of report. The application
is working OK if I have ppLabel, ppMemo, ppImage, ppDBText,... on my report.
But if I put ppBarCode or ppDBBarCode on my report then I get:
Internal Application Error
Canvas does not allow drawing

I get this error if I use IIS 5.1 or any other IIS.
If I use Apache then I don not have any problems the application works fine
and barcode is showen on my report.
The application is working even if I us Delphi Web App Debugger.

I can not figure out what is wrong.


  • edited May 2005
    I only waint to ask did you found any solution for my problem, or are you
    still working on it.

    Because you helped me before and your replay was quick and usable.

  • edited May 2005

    Sorry for the delay in this response... I did not see your original post
    last week.

    This is not a known issue with ReportBuilder. If you set your debugger to
    stop on exceptions, are you able to trace into the RB source where the
    problem occurs?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2005
    Ok I am able to trace in RB source with Delphi WebApp Debugger. But
    application works just fine, no problems. I have problem if I run the cgi
    application on IIS when I can not trace any source.

    I have dicoverd that the problem is in
    constructor TppCustomBarCode.Create(aOwner: TComponent);

    on creation of barcod the property is set before barcode is actualy created.
    AutoSize := True;
    setting of this property calls functions wich use canvas,

    and ComponentState in
    procedure TppCustomBarCode.AdjustBounds;
    is empty is not csLoading, csReading

    I hope that this helps you to discover the problem.

  • edited June 2005

    Ok, the reason you are getting this error is that no default printer is
    installed for the user account under which the web app is executing. Try
    installing a printer driver and see if that solves the problem.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2005


    Nico you got it right. The problem was in that no default printer was
    installed for IUSR_[comp_name]. I was unable to install any printer for that
    user so I edit in Local Security Policy the Policy - "Log on as a batch job"
    and removed the IUSR_[comp_name] form it.

    Problem solved the application is working great. Thank you for your help.

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