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Need help with ppDPTeeChart

edited June 2005 in General

I'm using Delphi 7, with ReportBuilder 7.04 and Teechart Std 4.04.

When I try to generate a graph using the DBChart control in the report, no
pipelines or datasets show up in the dataset dropdown box in the Datasource
control tab.

I'm confused, as the help file states:

This is a data pipeline based TeeChart component. When you create a series,
access the DataSource tab, and select either 'Dataset' or 'Single Record' as
the datasource type, then the TeeChart Editor will display the Name property
of all data pipelines on the form or in data modules accessible by the form.

I'm assuming therefore, that the component will link to a Pipeline, even
though the dropdown combo still says dataset, however none of my pipelines
show up in the dropdown list.

I have the report linked to a pipeline, which is linked to a datasource, and
then to a dataset.

Can someone please tell me what I'm missing?

Thanks & Regards



  • edited June 2005

    That's a limitation that exists when using TeeChart 4.04. Access the
    RBuilder.hlp, select the Table of Contents, and then select ReportBuilder
    Reference | TeeChart | Delphi X where X is the version of Delphi that you
    are using.

    The following is from the RBuilder.hlp

    TeeChart 4.04

    Status: Partially Operational

    Status Notes
    Within the Delphi IDE:

    - Cannot assign a data pipeline to a newly created data-aware TeeChart.
    - Cannot modify an existing data-aware TeeChart created with previous
    versions of RB and TeeChart.

    Within the end-user report designer (at run-time):

    - Fully Operational

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2005
    Hi Nard,

    Thanks for your reply. Do you have any suggestions on a work around for

    Thanks & Regards

    Adam Hair.
  • edited June 2005
    I recommend that you purchase the registered version of TeeChart.

    The version bundled with Delphi has limitations that we cannot get around.
    Digital Metaphors is not trying to make you purchase TeeChart, we have no
    affiliation with Steema. Its just a limitation of the version of TeeChart
    the is bundled with Delphi. We cannot extend it, to include the
    datapipelines, like we can with the new version of TeeChart.

    Unfortunately Borland has made a practice of exploiting the third-party
    component providers. The publishers of these components, typically do not
    receive any money from Borland for having their product bundled in. The
    publishers of these components are counting on developers like you to
    purchase the registered version. Otherwise they will go out of business.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2005
    Hi Nard,

    Thanks for your reply. At this stage, it was for one report in only one
    application as an extra little addon feature, nothing major, so I presently
    can't justify the price of the upgrade, but will consider it in future.

    Thanks & Regards

  • edited August 2005
    In case anyone is interested, I have found a simple workaround, that allows
    us to have teecharts with reportbuilder:

    Instead of placing a teechart *in* report builder, you can place one on the
    form instead, and then put a Tppimage component where you want the graph to
    appear in the report.

    In the ppimage's OnPrint event, place the following:

    procedure TReportIncomeHistoryGraph.ppImage1Print(Sender: TObject);
    ppimage1.Picture.Bitmap.Width := DBChart1.Width;
    ppimage1.Picture.Bitmap.height := DBChart1.height;

    Bounds(0,0,ppimage1.Picture.Bitmap.Width, ppimage1.Picture.Bitmap.Height));

    It may not be the perfect solution, but it does allow you to add charts to

    Hope this helps someone...


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