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Firebird, Joins, Nulls and Order By.

edited August 2005 in General
This is a bit of info for anyone using Firebird 1.5 with Report
builder. I have spent several days trying to work out why master detail
reports were giving totally wrong results.
The problem is that the master dataset has to be sorted by various
fields, all of which can contain nulls. The basic problem lies in the
fact that Report builder assumes that all nulls appear FIRST in the
sorted result set. This is a bad assumption for firebird which, by
default places nulls LAST.
I have managed to cure the problem by adding the following line to
BuildOrderByClause in daSQL.pas
I would like to know if there are any more robust solutions to this
which would allow someone to use both interbase and firebird because I
don't think interbase supports the 'nulls first' syntax.


procedure TdaSQL.BuildOrderByClause;
liIndex: Integer;
lField: TdaField;
lsText: String;

if (OrderByFieldCount <> 0) and not(FStealthMode) then
FSQLText.Add('ORDER BY ');
FIndent := 9;

for liIndex := 0 to OrderByFieldCount - 1 do
lsText := '';

lField := OrderByFields[liIndex];

if lField is TdaCalculation then
{note: do not use lField.Index, because it will return the
OrderByFields.IndexOf value}
lsText := IntToStr(SelectFieldCount + daFindField(lField,
FCalcFields) + 1)
lsText := lField.SQLString;

if not(lField.Ascending) then
lsText := lsText + ' DESC';

{**********ADD THIS}
if IsInterBase then
lsText := lsText + ' Nulls First' ;

DoAddOrderByClauseText(Self, lField, lsText);

if (liIndex < OrderByFieldCount - 1) then
lsText := lsText + ', ';


end; {procedure, BuildOrderByClause}


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