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Problem with TeeChart.

edited August 2005 in General
Hope i have posted my question to the right news group.
I am using delphi 7, Report builder version 9.02 and teechart version 7.04.
I have a report with 2 PieCharts, connected to 2 Datapiplines, and sometimes
on multiple runs of the report i get an access violation when the teechart
tries to free its series. I read in a newsgroup that removeall series might
be a solution, however this doesnt work for me, is there some other function
i need to call ?
Below is the call stack as returned by a program called madExcept

00404a6a MFSCAN.exe System 8780 TObject.InheritsFrom

004049d6 MFSCAN.exe System 8630 @IsClass

00b9253d MFSCAN.exe TeEngine 7227 TChartSeries.RemoveAllLinkedSeries

00b9196a MFSCAN.exe TeEngine 6693 TChartSeries.Removed

00b9734b MFSCAN.exe TeEngine 10538 TCustomAxisPanel.RemoveSeries

00b97317 MFSCAN.exe TeEngine 10528 TCustomAxisPanel.RemoveSeries

00b91abb MFSCAN.exe TeEngine 6750 TChartSeries.SetParentChart

00bbccc2 MFSCAN.exe Series 4403 TCircledSeries.SetParentChart

00bbf533 MFSCAN.exe Series 5779 TPieSeries.SetParentChart

00b95bae MFSCAN.exe TeEngine 9664 TCustomAxisPanel.FreeAllSeries

00b9584c MFSCAN.exe TeEngine 9498 TCustomAxisPanel.Destroy

00bac450 MFSCAN.exe Chart 1662 TCustomChart.Destroy

00bc2716 MFSCAN.exe ppChrtDP 264 TppCustomDBChart.Destroy

00bc34da MFSCAN.exe ppChrtDP 1208 TppDPTeeChartControl.Destroy

0045abba MFSCAN.exe Classes 9853 TComponent.DestroyComponents

0045a8cb MFSCAN.exe Classes 9757 TComponent.Destroy

00ad94bd MFSCAN.exe ppComm 469 TppCommunicator.Destroy

00aea154 MFSCAN.exe ppRelatv 165 TppRelative.Destroy

00b7fbb9 MFSCAN.exe ppPrnabl 835 TppPrintable.Destroy

00b77eed MFSCAN.exe ppClass 8890 TppComponent.Destroy

00b26d36 MFSCAN.exe ppCtrls 1388 TppCustomComponent.Destroy

00bc0e3d MFSCAN.exe ppChrt 325 TppCustomTeeChart.Destroy

00bc30b4 MFSCAN.exe ppChrtDP 724 TppDPTeeChart.Destroy

0045abba MFSCAN.exe Classes 9853 TComponent.DestroyComponents

0045a8cb MFSCAN.exe Classes 9757 TComponent.Destroy

0045c225 MFSCAN.exe Classes 10782 TDataModule.Destroy

00404838 MFSCAN.exe System 8385 TObject.Free


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