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Numeric formating fixed in RB 9?

edited August 2005 in General
In all the versions we have used, anytime a select, or internal calulation
returns an empty value (null in a sense) a numeric format like
#,##0.00 shows nothing. Of course, it should show 0.00.

Because of this, every single field has to be hand coded behind
the scenes to show 0.00 when "empty". Our developers and
clients find this a constant pain.

While I am sure there will be some that disagree with how I think
numerics should behave when formated - since there is an option
of "blank when zero", it is strange that it continues to be so
difficult for users to actually show zeros !



  • edited August 2005
    Hi Tony,

    A Null record contains an undefined value which we decided to display as an
    empty string when designing ReportBuilder. Since "0" is a defined numeric
    value, it did not make sense to display nulls as "0" or even give the option
    (although this has become subjective). We currently give users two options
    when wanting to change the format of a null record.

    1. All text formatting is done in the TppDisplayFormat class inside the
    ppDisplayFormat.pas file. This class can easily be descended from where you
    can override the Format function and format each data type as you need. You
    will notice at the top of the Format function it checks for a Null value and
    exits if it is.

    2. Replace all Null records in your dataset with a defined value such as
    "0" if you want to use the current RB text formatting.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    What do you and yours believe a format #,##0.00 says to do?

    In the world of churning out data items for clients, it means
    "show the data item as a 2 decimal place float value with commas, and
    if the value is empty show it as 0.00." Yes, we quite understand the
    distinction between nulls and values, but Digital Metaphors should
    recognize the right thing in this case.

    The ability to easily treat a null as a zero is a feature. Can't you see
    How else would one want to treat it? As a four? As a string?

    So dont sit on some high horse and tell us to tell our clients how to run
    their databases. Once again we will add the source code hack to your
    code base to make the report builder work "sensibly".

    tonyMeadors, Senior Software Architect, Valutech, Inc.
    Ph.D. Cognitive Science and Human Machine Intraction - UCSD

    (frankly, I would not have taken this tone except for the fact I have
    times been smartly rebuffed by your staff. The response always takes the
    form of, "we think things should work this way" followed by some excerpt
    from standardized text. If you do not intend to make the simple operations
    simple for your clients then get out of the software business.)

  • edited August 2005

    I sincerely apologize if you felt my previous response (or any other
    response) contained any tone other than an informative one. I was simply
    informing you the reason we made the design decision we did and offering my
    advise on how you can easily go about achieving your application goals.

    Most every feature added or design decision made to ReportBuilder is due to
    the majority of customer feedback. I assure you that if we asked 10 random
    ReportBuilder users, at least 7 of them would prefer Null records to be left

    Adding a built-in feature to toggle whether a Null record is left blank or
    uses the empty display format is probably feasible and thanks to your
    feedback will be considered for a later release of ReportBuilder. Thank you
    for the suggestion.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.