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Performance hit editing SQL object

edited August 2005 in General
Hi. I am currently using RB 7.04.

I am running a report that is executing a query that returns only 1 record
from a DBISAM database. Executing the report WITHOUT modifying the SQL
object takes 2-3 seconds. However, as soon as I modify the SQL object, even
with the EXACT same query, the report takes 25-27 seconds. The longest wait
time is experienced during the "Accessing Data..." part of the preview. The
report does have 5 subreports and multiple links on the "Data" view.
However, like I said, it only takes 2-3 seconds if I DO NOT edit the SQL
object??? The code I am using to modify the SQL object is below. I'm
getting a lot of complaints from customers. In many cases the report takes
even longer on their systems. What can I do to increase the performance?

lSQLText := TStringList.Create;
aSQL.EditSQLAsText := True;
lSQLText.Text := strCustomSQL;
aSQL.SQLText := lSQLText;
Report1.DeviceType := dtScreen
Report1.AllowPrintToFile := True;
Report1.OutlineSettings.Enabled := False; //Saw this elsewhere in the
newsgroups as a performance enhancer.

Thanks in advance.

Brian Kennedy
RB 7.04


  • edited August 2005
    Hi Brian,

    This is not a known issue with RB 7.04. In my testing with RB 9.02 with
    code identical you yours below, I did not get a delay in report generation.
    If you place a break point at the top of the code below, which line causes
    the 25 second delay? Are you able to re-create this issue using a different


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    In article <430a304d$1@dm500.>, briank@mtcpro.com says...

    This may be WAY off in left field, but...

    A similar thing happens to me with CDS/SQLConnections where "keep
    connection" is false and the last table is closed. In other words, I drop
    connection, have to re-establish connection, re-authenticate and load
    metadata for complete database.

    Any chance something like this is occuring when you change SQL code?

  • edited August 2005
    Thanks for the replys. Well, we have found that if we add the same SQL
    criteria we assigned to the master data view to the linked data views, that
    corrects the performance problem. The slowdown was from the sub-data views
    querying all their records regardless of the criteria applied to the master
    data view. I would think it would be optimized so that would not occur???

    Brian Kennedy
    RB 7.04

  • edited August 2005

    When using the built-in DADE linking, the search criteria applied to the
    master query are propogated to the detail query(s) to optimize them.
    However, once the SQL Text is manually edited, DADE no longer generates
    optimize sql (it generates no sql at all) and the autosearch and auto
    linking features are essentially disabled.

    Tech Tip: Limitations of using TdaSQL.SQLText

    The TdaSQL object can contain either an object based description of the SQL
    (SelectTables[], SelectFields[], etc.) that it uses to generate SQLText OR
    it contain a SQLText string. If you specify the SQLText string then TdaSQL
    will not generate any SQLText. Therefore the built-in AutoSearch and Linking
    features can no longer be used - because these require that special SQLText
    be generated.

    If you want to use AutoSearch with a SQLText, you will need to handle this
    in your custom dataview code. For an example see RBuilder\Demos\AutoSearch
    and see the TdaQueryDataView.CreateAutoSearchFields and
    TdaQueryDataView.ReportGetAutoSearchValuesEvent methods in

    Tech Tip: Linking DataViews


    Linking DataViews in the ReportBuilder Data workspace (DADE), requires that
    the detail data be sorted by the linking fields. When DataViews are linked,
    DADE generates special linking SQL for the detail DataView. The linking SQL
    (Magic SQL) can be viewed by positioning the mouse over the DataView window
    and pressing Ctrl + Left Mouse button. The results of the Magic SQL query
    can be viewed by pressing Shift + Left Mouse button.

    ReportBuilder's DataPipeline architecture includes support for linked data
    traversal. Whenver the record position of the master data changes, the
    traversal logic compares the master and detail field link values and then
    determines where to locate the record position for the related detail data.
    The linking logic will only work properly if the Database engine's collation
    of the detail query result set is in sync with ReportBuilder's internaly
    field link comparison logic.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.