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Master/Detail ppTextPipeline Problem

edited September 2005 in General
I have a report with a Master file that is a TClientDataSet. This is
linked via the masterpipeline and masterfieldlinks properties to a
TppTextPipeline. In the BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate event, I display a
new filter form for the user to filter by. When I run the report is
works ok the first time. However, if I hit the autosearch button which
then displays my new filter form, and let the user reset the filter,
only one line is showing up in the detail section. The data in the
TppTextPipline ascii file has all of the correct information, so I know
that I am writing the data to the ascii file correctly. Howerver on the
preview form, only the first detail line shows up. To fix this I have
tried creating the fieldlinks as runtime, but that did not work. I am
calling the Report.Reset(0) and Report.ResetFromPage(0) also. Any idea
how I can get this to work?


  • edited September 2005
    I forgot to mention that I have version 7.02 of the reportwriter.

  • edited September 2005
    Hi Jeff,

    If possible, please send a small example demonstrating this behavior in .zip
    format to support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll take a look at it for you.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2005
    Actually, I think I fixed it about 10 minutes ago and was about to reply
    telling you that. Putting a ppReport.Engine.Reset in right after the
    ppReport.REset and ppReport.ResetFromPage(0) seems to fix the problem.
    I need to test a little more to make sure. I am not really sure why it
    works. If you know, I would be curious. Also, it would be a little
    hard to make a small test case, but if I get time, I can try if you want.

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