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Problem with setting a SearchCriteria in code

edited October 2005 in General

I've been using RB for a number of years and a few months ago upgraded to Ver 9 from Ver 7. Most of my applications had no issues but one little glitch appeared in a system where I was completing the AutoSearch Criteria through code rather than the dialog interface:
In Ver 7, I was able to use a SELECT statement with a soinList operator without any problems. Now, the SELECT statement passes through a TStringList.CommaText assignment and so all spaces are converted to commas giving something like SELECT,itemcode,FROM,itemtable. Setting the ContainsSubSelect property of the TdaCriteria object makes no difference.
I have found a work around by using ".." around the Select statement, but this then upsets some of your checking code - eg:
function TdaSQL.ContainsSubSelect checks the first 6 letters for SELECT and the " causes this to fail.

While I have a work-around, I wonder if this part of your code base is still evolving - or is there a better fix for the issue?



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