lines lost during page-change
In the past I always used RB with datasets, without any problems.
Now I want to use it with JitPipelines and I get the following problem:
When reaching the end of the page information gets lost ( not finished on
the next page ).
I think it has to be something in my code. I use a report with subreports,
and several Jitpipelines.
I manage the link between the jitpipelines using the
I use:
Rb7.3 / Delphi5 / JitPipelines
Any suggestion ?
In the past I always used RB with datasets, without any problems.
Now I want to use it with JitPipelines and I get the following problem:
When reaching the end of the page information gets lost ( not finished on
the next page ).
I think it has to be something in my code. I use a report with subreports,
and several Jitpipelines.
I manage the link between the jitpipelines using the
I use:
Rb7.3 / Delphi5 / JitPipelines
Any suggestion ?
This discussion has been closed.
Take a look at the following article on how to properly link JIT pipelines
in a master detail relationship. You can also take a look at Demo 139
located in the \RBuilder\Demos\1. Reports\... directory for a working
example of a JIT master detail report.
Tech Tip: Define Master/Detail DataPipeline Links in Code
Defining a Master/Detail relationship for a JITPipeline or
TextPipeline requires that the detail pipeline have the
following properties defined:
1. MasterDataPipeline
2. MasterFieldLinks
At Delphi design-time you can use the object inspector
and the DataPipeline's FieldLinks editor to define
the master/detail relationship.
The following example illustrates how to define the
master/detail relationship dynamically at run-time.
lFieldLink: TppMasterFieldLink;
{define the master/detail pipeline relationship}
JITDetail.MasterDataPipeline := JITMaster;
{create a new field link }
lFieldLink := TppMasterFieldLink.Create(nil);
lFieldLink.DetailDataPipeline := JITDetail;
{assign the detail field name}
lFieldLink.DetailFieldName := 'CustNo';
{assign the master field name}
lFieldLink.MasterFieldName := 'CustNo';
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Aha, so I need a relational datastructure in my code.
I tried it and it works great.