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Master-Child Reports Blank

edited December 2005 in General
Whenever I try to create a report and creating a master-child in code the
report comes up blank if I place any child pipeline fields in a subreport.
The pipelines do contain data. And when I initially design the report the
I add to the report show data in them as well. But once I preview the
the report is blank. And when I go back to the designer the fields are all

Here is the code I use to create the dataset, datasource and pipelines. It
works fine on basic pipeline reports. Even reports with multiple pipelines,
but once I try to do a master-child report (which I have added to the
method) it doesn't work.

procedure TfmDynReports.CreatePipe(PipeSQL: String; PipeID, MasterID:
Integer; MC_Mapping: String);
PipeQuery: TMSQuery;
PipeDataSource: TDataSource;
PipePipeline: TppDBPipeline;
m: TppMasterFieldLink;
i: Integer;
s: String;
PipeQuery := TMSQuery.Create(Self);
PipeQuery.Name := Format('PipeQuery%d', [PipeID]);
PipeQuery.Connection := dmMain.dbInstitution;
PipeQuery.SQL.Text := PipeSQL;
PipeQuery.Active := True;

PipeDataSource := TDataSource.Create(Self);
PipeDataSource.DataSet := PipeQuery;
PipeDataSource.Name := Format('PipeDataSource%d', [PipeID]);

PipePipeline := TppDBPipeline.Create(Self);
PipePipeline.DataSource := PipeDataSource;
PipePipeline.Name := Format('PipePipeline%d', [PipeID]);
//setup master child if exists
{the master-child relationship is setup by doing the following
First - The master data pipeline is identified by identifying the
value of the master pipeline. -1 in this value means there is no
master datasource
Second - The master - child field mappings are identified by the
following format: MASTER=CHILD
To add multiple master - child field mappings separate the
mappings with a semicolon like such:
if MasterID <> -1 then
PipePipeline.MasterDataPipeline :=
TppDBPipeline(FindComponent(Format('PipePipeline%d' , [MasterID])));
for i := 1 to ListLen(MC_Mapping, ';') do
m := TppMasterFieldLink.Create(nil);
m.Name := Format('MasterFieldLink%d_%d', [PipeID, i]);
m.Parent := PipePipeline;
s := ListGetAt(MC_Mapping, i, ';');
m.MasterFieldName := ListGetAt(s, 1, '=');
m.DetailFieldName := ListGetAt(s, 2, '=');



  • edited December 2005

    1. Make sure that the detail query data is ordered by the linking fields (in
    the exact same order).

    2. I cannot determine what is happening by looking at that code. I would
    approach something like this incrementally. Create a simple master detail
    report at Delphi design-time - for example Customer/Orders using DBDemos.
    Link the pipelines using the field links editor. Once it is working
    correctly, then incrementally start converting the data access pieces to
    code. First implement the pipeline creation and linking. Then run and test
    until it works. Next implement the DataSource creation. Run and test. Then
    implement the Query creation in code. Once all that is working, then create
    the more general purpose routines. If you use DBDemos as a starting point,
    then if you get stuck you can zip it up and send to
    support@digital-metaphors.com and we can run it here in the debugger.

    3. You can set SkipWhenNoRecords on the detail datapipeline to control
    whether the master record is included in the report when no corresponding
    detail data is present.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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