Rotated memos
We are using version RB9.03 Delphi7-Pro and are trying to send the printed
output to a custom Zebra barcode printer where the page is 148 wide by 210mm
deep, No problem, but we have noticed that the barcodes are being broken due
to dirty print heads , so to fix this we have been asked to rotate the whole
output by 90 degrees Clockwise, the problem is that our form has DBmemos on
it and we cant seem to rotate these, Whats the solution ?
We have been able to rotate even the barcodes no problem, we could use a
wrapped label, but these dont seem to allow wrapping while not at 0 degrees
Colin Coleman
We are using version RB9.03 Delphi7-Pro and are trying to send the printed
output to a custom Zebra barcode printer where the page is 148 wide by 210mm
deep, No problem, but we have noticed that the barcodes are being broken due
to dirty print heads , so to fix this we have been asked to rotate the whole
output by 90 degrees Clockwise, the problem is that our form has DBmemos on
it and we cant seem to rotate these, Whats the solution ?
We have been able to rotate even the barcodes no problem, we could use a
wrapped label, but these dont seem to allow wrapping while not at 0 degrees
Colin Coleman
This discussion has been closed.
Unfortunately rotating wrapped text is not currently supported in
ReportBuilder. On option would be to divide your memo into separate lines
and manually add them as rotated single line TppLabels.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I had the same idea, but its all falling apart in the beforeGenerate event,
where if have a few labels i wanted to say turn off then use one label to
fill the space of the others by making it a larger font say. but it seems
the just place the text off the page and in the top left corner of the page,
at say x=0,y=-50, is this because of changing the font size and have the
labels at 270 degrees rotation ?
Cade snippet:----
procedure TFormRBWeighPrint.ppHeaderBand1BeforeGenerate(Sender: TObject);
sAppPath :String;
sa1,sa2,sa3,sa4 :String;
if (NOT gbSpecFlex) then
ppLabelPrintDesc2.Visible := false;
ppLabelPrintDesc1.Font.Size := 24;
ppLabelPrintDesc1.Caption := 'Part No ' + VERY_BIG_TEXT; := 0;
ppLabelPrintDesc1.Left := 0;
ppLabelPrintDesc2.Visible := true;
ppLabelPrintDesc1.Font.Size := 12; // small text := 0;
ppLabelPrintDesc1.Left := 12.96;
cheers Colin
moves it back onto the page, i think its because the text is Centred and
does the position calc for the middle before rotating it? could this be the
problem, as Half the text is off the top of the page.
There is a patch available for RB 9.03 that may fix this problem. Please
send a small email to requesting it and we'll
send it out to you as soon as possible.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors