How to Rotate Text Labels around a fix origin
Hi there,
RB 9.03 Delphi 7. Running XP SP2
RB with applied rotated text patch.
I am still struggling to master these rotated text labels on a report. To
reproduce this example reliably I need 1 copy of delphi and 1 copy of
RB9.03, Create a new app, drop a ppReport onto the form, open the report ,
add a label in the middle of the header say, put sticky paper on screen to
mark position, or better still use an RB shape to mark current position, now
simply rotate the lable by 270 degrees, then back to 0 !
Should not the label now be back in its original position ? hopes the
answer is ALWAYS YES !
Should not the font size affect the position of the Origin (Eg Top and Left)
... me hopes the answer is ALWAYS NO!
as if the text is NOT rotated changing the font size Does NOT make the label
leap off all over the report.
if this is not the case how can anyone rotate text on the screen depending
on external factors and calculate where Report builder is going to drop it.
I remember back in school we had to rotate 3D shapes about on a screen and
the logic being remove offset, apply transformation, then reapply offset,
this always worked... I cant figure what rule is being applied to the
positioning in report builder.
If this is a bug then can i beg you for a patch, or do i need to upgrade to
version 10.00 to fix this ?
Best regards
Colin Coleman
RB 9.03 Delphi 7. Running XP SP2
RB with applied rotated text patch.
I am still struggling to master these rotated text labels on a report. To
reproduce this example reliably I need 1 copy of delphi and 1 copy of
RB9.03, Create a new app, drop a ppReport onto the form, open the report ,
add a label in the middle of the header say, put sticky paper on screen to
mark position, or better still use an RB shape to mark current position, now
simply rotate the lable by 270 degrees, then back to 0 !
Should not the label now be back in its original position ? hopes the
answer is ALWAYS YES !
Should not the font size affect the position of the Origin (Eg Top and Left)
... me hopes the answer is ALWAYS NO!
as if the text is NOT rotated changing the font size Does NOT make the label
leap off all over the report.
if this is not the case how can anyone rotate text on the screen depending
on external factors and calculate where Report builder is going to drop it.
I remember back in school we had to rotate 3D shapes about on a screen and
the logic being remove offset, apply transformation, then reapply offset,
this always worked... I cant figure what rule is being applied to the
positioning in report builder.
If this is a bug then can i beg you for a patch, or do i need to upgrade to
version 10.00 to fix this ?
Best regards
Colin Coleman
This discussion has been closed.
The issue you are having is with the AutoSize feature. It is very difficult
to decide how AutoSize will work for a rotated component (i.e. whether the
component left should be altered or the text left, etc). I will look into
this and see if there is something that can be done for a patch but as an
alternative, try setting the AutoSize property to False before changing the
angle of a component.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I tried that it does help a little, but still falls apart when i move the
origin from 0,0 to 50,50 then increase the font, moving it back to 0,0 does
not return it it to its original position, as though some vairiable is still
holding some offset in a buffer you are using, i have a small delphi 7
example to very simply show my problem only 20 lines of code, can i send it
to you ?
Contained :--
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ppCtrls, ppPrnabl, ppClass, ppBands, ppCache,
ppComm, ppRelatv, ppProd, ppReport, ppTypes;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
ppReport1: TppReport;
ppHeaderBand1: TppHeaderBand;
ppDetailBand1: TppDetailBand;
ppFooterBand1: TppFooterBand;
ppShape1: TppShape;
BitBtn1: TBitBtn;
CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
BitBtn2: TBitBtn;
ppShape2: TppShape;
EditXLEFT: TEdit;
ppLabel2: TppLabel;
Label1: TLabel;
ppLabel1: TppLabel;
procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
ppreport1.DeviceType := dtscreen;
if CheckBox1.Checked then
ppLabel1.AutoSize := false;
// ppLabel1.Angle := 0;
ppLabel1.Caption := 'Left30 Top10';
// ppLabel1.Angle := 270;
ppLabel1.Left := StrToFloat(EditXLEFT.Text);
ppLabel1.Top := 50;
ppLabel1.Font.Size := 72;
ppLabel1.AutoSize := true;
ppLabel1.AutoSize := false;
// ppLabel1.Angle := 0;
ppLabel1.Caption := 'Normal Position';
ppLabel1.Left := 10;
ppLabel1.Top := 10;
ppLabel1.Font.Size := 22;
// ppLabel1.Angle := 270;
ppLabel1.AutoSize := True;
object Form1: TForm1
Left = 440
Top = 187
Width = 453
Height = 233
Caption = 'Form1'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
Position = poScreenCenter
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 72
Top = 56
Width = 80
Height = 29
Caption = 'Label1'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -24
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
Left = 176
Top = 120
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'Print'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = BitBtn1Click
object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
Left = 192
Top = 56
Width = 97
Height = 17
Caption = 'move test'
TabOrder = 1
object BitBtn2: TBitBtn
Left = 56
Top = 120
Width = 75
Height = 25
TabOrder = 2
Kind = bkClose
object EditXLEFT: TEdit
Left = 192
Top = 24
Width = 121
Height = 21
TabOrder = 3
Text = '50'
object ppReport1: TppReport
PrinterSetup.BinName = 'Default'
PrinterSetup.DocumentName = 'Report'
PrinterSetup.PaperName = 'A5'
PrinterSetup.PrinterName = 'Default'
PrinterSetup.mmMarginBottom = 1323
PrinterSetup.mmMarginLeft = 1323
PrinterSetup.mmMarginRight = 1323
PrinterSetup.mmMarginTop = 1323
PrinterSetup.mmPaperHeight = 210000
PrinterSetup.mmPaperWidth = 148000
PrinterSetup.PaperSize = 11
Units = utMillimeters
DeviceType = 'Screen'
OutlineSettings.CreateNode = True
OutlineSettings.CreatePageNodes = True
OutlineSettings.Enabled = True
OutlineSettings.Visible = True
TextSearchSettings.DefaultString = ''
TextSearchSettings.Enabled = True
Left = 304
Top = 96
Version = '9.03'
mmColumnWidth = 0
object ppHeaderBand1: TppHeaderBand
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmHeight = 144463
mmPrintPosition = 0
object ppShape2: TppShape
UserName = 'Shape2'
mmHeight = 13229
mmLeft = 50000
mmTop = 50000
mmWidth = 13229
BandType = 0
object ppShape1: TppShape
UserName = 'Shape1'
mmHeight = 13229
mmLeft = 10000
mmTop = 10000
mmWidth = 13229
BandType = 0
object ppLabel2: TppLabel
UserName = 'Label2'
Border.BorderPositions = []
Border.Color = clBlack
Border.Style = psSolid
Border.Visible = False
Border.Weight = 1.000000000000000000
Caption = 'Label2'
Font.Color = clBlack
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Size = 16
Font.Style = [fsBold]
Transparent = True
mmHeight = 6615
mmLeft = 82550
mmTop = 2646
mmWidth = 17727
BandType = 0
object ppLabel1: TppLabel
UserName = 'Label1'
Angle = 270
AutoSize = False
Border.BorderPositions = []
Border.Color = clBlack
Border.Style = psSolid
Border.Visible = False
Border.Weight = 1.000000000000000000
Caption = 'Initial is a small label at box 1'
Font.Color = clBlack
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Size = 16
Font.Style = [fsBold]
Transparent = True
mmHeight = 87313
mmLeft = 10000
mmTop = 10000
mmWidth = 7408
BandType = 0
RotatedOriginLeft = 7408
RotatedOriginTop = 0
object ppDetailBand1: TppDetailBand
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmHeight = 1058
mmPrintPosition = 0
object ppFooterBand1: TppFooterBand
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmHeight = 0
mmPrintPosition = 0
Send the example to in .zip format and I'll
take a look at it for you.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors