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General Question - RB 7.04 to 9.x oe 10.x

edited February 2006 in General
Hi Guys,

Having missed a few versions and still working in Delphi7 and RB7.04,
what's significant in RB8, 9, or now 10, that makes it a compelling
upgrade from 7.04? New features/enhancements?





  • edited February 2006
    In article <43ebf59a$1@dm500.>, Ian Branch wrote:

    From the Email
    Overview & screenshots:
    New Feature List:

    Gruß aus den Bergen
  • edited February 2006

    The Announcements newsgroup contains the announcements for prior releases
    such as RB 9.

    Trial versions are available for download...


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2006
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Hi Nard,

    OK, downloaded the RB10 Ent demo, installed it, added the MySQL &
    DBISAM DADEs, the same one's from your web site I tried under 7.04, and
    it all works fine & as expected, with a minor, or major depending on
    your tolerance factor, annoyance. In both cases, in the
    DataDictionary, doing a right-click|Configure in the Tables will not
    automatically populate with the tables from the Database. They can
    however be added manually and it all works OK from there.

    I guess it's worth the US$399, approx AU$500, to upgrade to have
    something work that perhaps should have worked equally well in 7.04. I
    guess.. To quell the perhaps obvious question, yes I did clean out
    RB7.04ent and reinstall everything to make sure I hadn't screwed
    anything up over time.

    My upgrade order will be lodged after the 20th when I get paid.


  • edited February 2006

    1. Check that you have configured the DataDictionary.BuilderSettings. This
    requires that the DADE plug-in you are using be installed into the Delphi
    IDE and that you have a valid mySQL connection. The SessionType should be
    the DADE plug-in session type and the DataBaseName should be the name of the
    mySQL connection component.

    2. It is also possible to run the DataDictionary Builder at run-time. If
    after peforming the steps in number 1 above, there is still an issue, try
    the tech tip below. In addition to the example below, you will need to
    configure the DataDictionary BuilderSettings as described above.

    Tech Tip: Using the DataDictionary Builder at run-time


    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    lForm: TdaDataDictionaryBuilderForm;

    lForm := TdaDataDictionaryBuilderForm.Create(Application);
    lForm.DataDictionary := ppDataDictionary1;

    if lForm.ValidSettings then


    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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