Is it possible to get to the ondragdrop event of the designer workspace.
I want to intercept a drop from an external control on the report design
workarea and/or datatree.
I tried ppdesigner.form.ondragdrop but no results.
Am working with version 10.
Try using Designer.OnCreateComponent. It fires when a new element is added
to the workspace. (From the component palette or from the data tree).
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
a drop from an external drag source. So I'm dragging from my own object tree
a dataobject towards the designer. when dropping it on the designer I want
to check if a dbpipeline must be created. Is it possible to intercept this
kind of dragdrop event?
For RB 10 the TppDesigner component has the same properties, methods, and
events that existed in prior versions.
The internal TppDesignerWindow class in RB 10 has been extensively
redesigned. There is a new EventHub that can be used to subscribe to many of
the actions that take place in the design evironment.
Here is a simple example of subscribing to the workspace drag drop event.
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors