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Slow performance with many groups

edited February 2006 in General

Hi all,

I use RB 6.03 enterprise.

I have wrote a statistics application that give to the user the

opportunity to choose the order and the grouping of the report.

The report is designed to handle the max number of group/order

allowed that is ten and therefore I have defined ten groups;

each group have nine tppdbcalc components and six tppvariable to

calculate the totals for each single group.

When i preview the report, I notice that for skip to the next page

the report consume about five second; this delay is constant

for each page.

Please note that in the create event of the report (in rap environment)

I set the visible property of the groups that aren't used to false (based

on the order choosen from the user) and that the select of the data is

executed only once and is very fast.

The performance is good only if I copy the report an then I delete the

groups that aren't necessary for a test (in this case I select only two

I have done some test to remove groups (in rap with tppreport.removegroup

method) but i suppose that the components in the groups aren't

removed from the report, because when i run the report, RB sent a lot

of error messages.

Someone have a suggestion to speed up the performace or to design a

dynamic report (for example creating groups and tppdbcalc/tppvariable at
runtime) ?

Excuse me for the long message and thanks in advance.

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