After installing Reportbuilder 10 and recompiling an existing project I get an error at TppDesignerWindow(ppDesigner1.Form).Viewer.ZoomSetting := zsPageWidth; Error: "Undeclared Identifier Viewer".
1. See example code below. The example uses the TppDesigner.OnTabChanged event to access the PreviewManager.Viewer property. The Viewer is not created until the first time the Preview workspace is accessed. Thus, the need to use the OnTabChanged event.
2. Another option is to create a TppPreview plug-in that configures the Viewer. The Preview class manages the Viewer, Toolbar, Outline, etc. and is used by the Designer and the Preview Dialog. See ppPreview.pas for the code to the default preview plug-in TppPreview. The Initialization section at the bottom contain the registration code. You can
uses ppTypes;
procedure TForm1.ppDesigner1TabChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if (ppDesigner1.Form.PreviewManager.Viewer <> nil) then ppDesigner1.Form.PreviewManager.Viewer.ZoomSetting := zsPageWidth;
Best regards,
Nard Moseley Digital Metaphors
1. See example code below. The example uses the TppDesigner.OnTabChanged
event to access the PreviewManager.Viewer property. The Viewer is not
created until the first time the Preview workspace is accessed. Thus, the
need to use the OnTabChanged event.
2. Another option is to create a TppPreview plug-in that configures the
Viewer. The Preview class manages the Viewer, Toolbar, Outline, etc. and is
used by the Designer and the Preview Dialog.
See ppPreview.pas for the code to the default preview plug-in TppPreview.
The Initialization section at the bottom contain the registration code. You
procedure TForm1.ppDesigner1TabChanged(Sender: TObject);
if (ppDesigner1.Form.PreviewManager.Viewer <> nil) then
ppDesigner1.Form.PreviewManager.Viewer.ZoomSetting := zsPageWidth;
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors