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Errors with RB10.01

edited March 2006 in General
Hi RB-team,

RB10.01 Enterprise with Delphi 7. Rebuild for use with IBX 7.08 and Indy
A lot of different errors while testing this new version although I assume
most of them are related.

* Use end-user application (I used IB Express) from EndUser Databases
* Start a new report
* Place a 2dbarcode in the detail band
* Preview the report and leave it on this tab
* Closing the application gives NO message 'do you want to save'
* From the report explorer make a second new report
* The previous report designer window seems to be reopened???

* Use end-user application (I used IB Express)
* Moving an existing report to another folder gives 'update failed' error
* Testing this with my own end-user application migrated from rb7.04 this
work ok so it seems something with the example

* Use end-user application (I used IB Express)
* Creating a new folder gives 'Could not convert variant of type (Null) into
type (integer)' error
* If I restart the application a 'New Folder' exists
* Testing this with my own end-user application migrated from rb7.04 this
work ok so it seems something with the example

* Use end-user application (I used IB Express)
* Start a new report
* Select data tab and create a data object
* Export this to the database
* Start a new report and import the data object from the database again
gives 'Invalid template format'
* Importing a data object from file works ok
* Testing this with my own end-user application migrated from rb7.04 this
work ok so it seems something with the example

* Use end-user application (I used IB Express)
* Preview an existing report from the report explorer
* Close preview window and preview the report again
* Report now seems empty (empty page) and occasional gives AV

* Hint text in reportexplorer show &-sign

* DBText object seemed to move but I can't recreate this.

Jeroen R?ttink


  • edited March 2006
    Some additional issues:

    * Use end-user application (I used IB Express)
    * Open a report with subreports
    * Select a subreport tab in the designer (except the main report)
    * Close the designer
    * Reopen the report from the report explorer
    * Empty report in the designer is shown...

    * Use end-user application (I used IB Express)
    * Open a report with 'two-pass' turned on
    * Preview the report and move back to the design tab --> AV
    * I think this is releated with NG message 'RB 10 does not free allocate
    memory. Bug?'

    * Use end-user application (I used IB Express)
    * 'Save SubReport To File' doesn't create a file
    * 'Save SubReport' also doesn't seem to work.
  • edited March 2006
    HI Jeroen,

    Thanks for all the good info. I created a patch for the IBExpress demo that
    solves all the issues that pertain directly to that example. Send an email
    to support@digital-metaphors.com and we'll get it to you asap.

    There are still three issues that I was able to recreate and still need more
    research. They are listed below and I will keep you informed on the
    progress I am making on creating fixes.

    1. Not receiving a save message if the designer is closed from the preview
    2. Close a report from the preview tab, then load another report does not
    refresh the preview screen.
    3. Close the designer when designing a subreport, then loading a new report
    shows a blank designer.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2006

    There are now RB 10.01 patches available that fix these issues.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.