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Bookmark is Invalid Delphi 7 and RBuilder 10.01

edited March 2006 in General
Using Delphi7 and RBuilder 10.01
SQL Server, client-side cursor

Pipeline Main has a TadoDataset populated through a query and is the
pipeline for the Report.

Pipeline Child is a TadoDataset populated through a parameterized query.
The group footer of the Report contains a subreport using pipeline

During compile, the report appears to generate but as I page step
through the viewer, I receive 'bookmark is invalid' error in unit
function TppDBPipeline.IsValidBookmark(aBookmark: Integer): Boolean

This occurs When the plnChild recordcount is zero.
I have tried testing the recordcount and setting the subreport.visible
to false but I haven't found the right event handler.

I have also tried playing with NoDataBehavior on the report but no luck.

Can you help?


  • edited March 2006
    I installed 10.02 and the problem is corrected!

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