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Changing RB behavior

edited April 2006 in General

In RB native preview, one can use CTRL+PageUp/PageDown to go to the
previous/next page, but our client wants to use just PageUp/PageDown to do
that. I looked at the RB source code and found the code in ppPreview.pas and
in the KeyDown procedure. I modified the code and wanted to try it out to
see if it works. What's the best way to compile our project with this new
ppPreview.pas file? Should we recompile the BPL? Which BPL? We tried the
dclRBP77.dpk but it complains that it could not find Proxies.dcu and I can't
seem to find that on my PC either.

Or the bigger question is can we modify the RB source code for that purpose
at all. We use RB 7.01 Professional.

Thank you.



  • edited April 2006
    > In RB native preview, one can use CTRL+PageUp/PageDown to go to the

    depends :-) .

    if you want it at design time then yes, if you are shipping with BPLs, yes
    otherwise I would not worry about it.

    search the .dpk files for the one containint ppPreview.pas (I just loaded
    all of them into Ultra Edit and did a search, it's rbRCL107.dpk--but now you
    know how).

    can or may? sounds like you already did :-) (I've been around to many
    English teachers lately).

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited April 2006
    Thank you for the help.


  • edited April 2006

    Our reports are built with design-time packages but we don't ship with the
    BPLs. I recompiled the rbRCL107.dpk file and copied the new bpl to both the
    default Delphi BPL library path and the C:\Winnt\System32 folder, then I
    rebuilt the reports but it doesn't seem to pick up the changes. Am I missing
    something or do I have to modify the report code in anyway? Thank you.


  • edited April 2006
    search your hard drive for the BPLs--there are soem under the rbuilder
    directory as well

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited April 2006
    Thank you.

    I searched and the only place where I can find the rbRCL77.dpl is
    $(DELPHI)\Projects\Bpl and C:\WinNT\System32, I replaced both locations with
    the new bpl, and rebuild my reports but with no change in PgUp/PgDn

    The other thing is I noticed you said the dpk is rbRCL107.dpk, but I don't
    have that dpk, I have rbRCL77.dpk instead (I guess rbRCL107.dpk is for
    version 10.x?), which does contain the ppPreview unit that I changed.

    I also looked at the Installed Packages (under Component menu) and the
    ReportBuilder Professional package is pointing to the dclRBP77.bpl instead.
    So I tried to recompile that dpk but I got an missing file on Proxies.dcu, I
    could not find that file anywhere on my machine, however.

    I'm at a lost, it seems that it should work but it doesn't. Please help.

    Thank you.


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