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ReportInitializeParameters - TdaSQLBuilder question

edited April 2006 in General
Hi again,

Still playing with the dade things and here something i can't figure out

I have found in the helpfile that i can put something like this in the
ReportInitializeParameters event in Delphi.

Var lSQLBuilder: TdaSQLBuilder;

lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(Report.DataPipeline.SQL);

Which works fine, but i wonder how i would do the same for a second query
(or third etc)on the same report.
Suppose i have another query which works for example on a subreport how
would i add Searchcriteria on that query from the same event?

Oh, i'm still using 9.03 btw, have yet try out the version 10.

Thanks in advance.



  • edited April 2006

    You can create a SQLBuilder instance for any datapipeline - pass the
    DataPipeline to the constructor.

    lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(Report.DataPipeline);


    lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(mySubreport.Report.DataPipeline);

    When using RAP code you can reference the datapipline by the username that
    is displayed in the data tree

    lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(Customer);

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2006
    Hi Nard,

    Thanks for your reply, and i apologise for the many questions but i don't
    quite understand 100% yet.
    Suppose i don't have any pipelines on my form and only have queries on the
    reports Dade tab.
    One query is called 'Query1' and another is called 'Query2', Query1 is used
    for the main page and Query2 for the subreport page.
    In delphi, in the ReportInitializeParameters event i need to put a where
    clause on both queries(different on both).
    What do i put in the Create constructor for query2?
    Delphi won't recognise 'Query1' of course, i figured it would be more like:
    lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(Report.SubReports[0]DataPipeline);

    Sorry for being a pain, just trying to figure out things here :)

    Secondly, i will have to 'link' the Query2 to Query1(Master-detail), so i
    guess i need to assign the keyvalue.
    What's the best event in the report to do that?
    I don't like to compare products but in Fastreports you can assign a
    MasterData to a Query and assign the keyfields, which is what i'm looking
    for in rb also.

    One final question,
    I found out where and how to make a Global variable in reportbuilder but is
    it possible to assign a value to it from a event on the report component in

    Thanks for the answers :)


  • edited April 2006

    - What might be more productive is if you describe details about the
    reporting solution you are trying to design and implement. What is the goal?

    - The Data workspace (DADE) supports the creation of DataViews. A DataView
    is a container for the data access components (query dataset, datasource,
    dbpipeline). See the DADE thread of the Tech Tips newsgroups for an overview
    of the architecture.

    - The Data workspace inlcudes tools to visually design and link queries. You
    can also define search criteria that are specified as AutoSearch. For
    AutoSearch criteria, a dialog will automatically be created and displayed.
    Once the user enters the criteria, the SQL will dynamically generated. When
    queries are linked, special linking SQL is generated for the detail query.

    - The Visual Query tools and the TdaSQLBuilder class can configure the
    TdaSQL object that is associated with a QueryDataView. The TdaSQL object
    then generates a SQL string that is assigned to the query dataset.

    - You can use myReport.DataPipeline and mySubreport.Report.DataPipeline to
    reference the datapipeline associated with a main report and a childreport
    respectively. You can alternatively use mySubreport.DataPipeline (this is a
    convenies returns the childreport.DataPipeline).

    - If you have ReportBuilder Enterprise you can optionally use the Calc
    workspace to code run-time Pascal (we call this RAP). RAP supports the
    syntax that enables you to code the username of the pipeline.

    - If you are using Delphi code, you can prepare the SQL prior to calling
    Report.Print.You can also use the Report.OnInitializeParameters event and
    Report.BeforeOpenDataPipelines events to configure parameters and modify
    sql, link datasets etc.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2006
    Thanks for the explanation Nard.

    I understand it's difficult to understand what exactly i want to do, I will
    try to explain the best i can.

    Old situation:
    In Delphi, i have on a form, one ppReport and one pPDesigner component,
    linked to each other; 3 Queries and Datasources each with their own
    This is one 'master' query and 2 detail queries.
    The report i'm calling uses the master query on it's main page and the 2
    detail queries each on a subreport page on the report.
    For each query there are options the users can set on the form in Delphi
    which puts a where clause on all 3 queries.

    The goal:
    I'm redesigning the form and i would like to use Dade instead of having the
    queries and pipelines on the form in Delphi.
    Reason:This way the report contains the sql and our reports are much more
    flexibel on adding fields, changing sortorders etc..

    New situation:
    The form in Delphi has a ppReport and a ppDesigner - that's all.
    The report has 3 queries on the dade page which have to be linked like in
    the old situation, and like before the main query is for the main page and
    the 2 others are for subreport pages.
    The queries on the dade tab have sql without a where clause, this where
    clause has to be put on each query by use of the ReportInitializeParameters
    event in Delphi (not on the report).
    I already have the where clause working in the ReportInitializeParameters
    event for the main query, but i don't know how to access the other 2 queries
    to assign a where clause.
    Your example said: .Create(mySubreport.Report.DataPipeline); , but what is
    mySubReport? I only have one report component on the form in Delphi,
    MySubReport of course exists if you are using RAP in the report but my
    question was how i can access the other Dade queries from the
    ReportInitializeParameters in Delphi, using one ppReport component.

    I hope what i'm trying to do is clear now, simply said i can access the
    reports main dade query from Delphi to put a where on it and just need to do
    the same for the other 2 also.
    I will read those DADE thread of the Tech Tips also.


  • edited April 2006

    - See article below. When you link DataViews in DADE (the Data workspace),
    special linking SQL is generated for the detail queries. When you add a
    Where clause to the master, the where clause of the detail will be updated

    - The following code shows to access the TdaDataModule associated with the
    report and get a list of the datapipelines


    lDataModule: TdaDataModule;
    lPipelines: TList;

    lPipelines := TList.Create;

    lDataModule := daGetDataModule(myReport);


    Tech Tip: Linking DataViews


    Linking DataViews in the ReportBuilder Data workspace (DADE), requires that
    the detail data be sorted by the linking fields. When DataViews are linked,
    DADE generates special linking SQL for the detail DataView. The linking SQL
    (Magic SQL) can be viewed by positioning the mouse over the DataView window
    and pressing Ctrl + Left Mouse button. The results of the Magic SQL query
    can be viewed by pressing Shift + Left Mouse button.

    ReportBuilder's DataPipeline architecture includes support for linked data
    traversal. Whenever the record position of the master data changes, the
    traversal logic compares the master and detail field link values and then
    determines where to locate the record position for the related detail data.
    The linking logic will only work properly if the Database engine's collation
    of the detail query result set is in sync with ReportBuilder's internaly
    field link comparison logic.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2006
    Thanks Nard.

    That last example put me in the right direction and i'll be able to make
    things work now, thanks for the help and your patience.


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