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Archived report to html

edited June 2006 in General

If possible, what are the steps to render a archived report to HTML, perhaps
using Pragnaan's PsRBExportDevices


Nols Smit


  • edited June 2006
    Hi Nols,

    You can use the TppArchiveReader to export each .raf file to a certian
    format by assigning the DeviceType property (similar to using the TppReport
    object). Then you can export the archive files by calling


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    Hi Nico,

    It works file with the code appearing below. Only one problem: How do I get
    the HTML navigation icons to be floating and to appear top left on the
    window because the user will not expect it at the bottom of the window?

    with ppArchiveReader1 do
    ArchiveFileName := FPathName + '\DetailedStats.raf';
    AllowPrintToFile := true;
    DeviceType := 'HTMLFile';
    ShowPrintDialog := false;
    TextFileName := FPathName + '\DetailedStats.html';


    Nols Smit

  • edited June 2006
    Hi Nols,

    I'm not clear about what you mean by the HTML icons. Are these your browser
    icons or dialog icons provided by Pragnaan? If this is a Pragnaan feature,
    I would suggest contacting their support about its capabilities.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    It's the << >> icons at the bottom of the window for moving to the next or
    previous record.

    Nols Smit

  • edited June 2006

    The HTML export device is generates the of the HTML output, including any
    navigation elements.

    As an alternative, RB Server Edition generates a more advanced web
    interfaced. For an example, check out our live server demo.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    I will never be convinced to use RBServer (we bought) for the following

    It's not user friendly.
    It can't be incorporated in a IntraWeb application because there's not a
    IntraWeb version of the WebTier component. If you want one, contract in
    Jason Southwell of Arcana Technologies to develop one.
    The licensing issues. Sometimes I have to distribute a system on a CD to
    many users. I previously asked that RBServer ignore the license if the
    server is "LocalHost" but this was ignored.
    RBuilder with PsRBExportDevices compiled into an IntraWeb application give
    me total flexibility, also regarding the use of parameters, e.g. see (if you "Back" 3x then you will
    notice you are actually in a general program) The use of parameters in a
    RBServer application is difficult to understand.

    Nols Smit

  • edited June 2006

    Thanks for feedback.

    - The web browser interface generated by RB Server Edition is designed to
    look and feel like the win32 form based interface. Feedback from most
    customers has been 'Wow!'. Recently we updated the interface to provide a
    more XP style look.


    - We have many customers sucessfully using ReportBuilder to build report
    server solutions with RB in a variety of ways. Most use RB Server Edition
    and some also use techologies such as IntraWeb, ASP, and ASP.NET. Some
    customers prefer to use one of the other RB Editions to "roll their own"
    solutions. Some customers use RB Server Edition to build multi-tier
    solutions that use the win32 ClientReport.

    - Web applications are HTTP request/response. The RB WebTier is a component
    that can process web requests and produce web report content. (Internally it
    manages session state and communicates with the back end report server.)
    Combining it with other technologies involves passing an appropriate web
    request to the WebTier so that it can generate an appropriate response.

    - Your request for a different licensing model was and is valuable feedback.
    It is something that we had not considered before you brought it up and
    something we may offer in the future.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006

    RB Server Edition includes an XHTML device that can be optionally used in
    non server applications.

    This example will produce an interface that displays a toolbar with nav
    buttons at the top.


    ppArchiveReader1.AllowPrintToFile := True;
    ppArchiveReader1.ArchiveFileName := 'c:\Program
    Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Demos\1. Reports\Archives\dm0011.raf';
    ppArchiveReader1.DeviceType := 'XHTML';
    ppArchiveReader1.TextFileName := TppFileUtils.GetApplicationFilePath +

    // ppArchiveReader1.ShowPrintDialog := False; // suppress dialogs
    // ppArchiveReader1.ShowCancelDialog := False;


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    Thanks for the reply. I tried it with the code appearing below. But I get
    a access violation when I run it. I notice that, whether I use my own .raf
    file or any of the demo .raf files, the last expected .html file is not

    I presume I overlooked something.

    Also appearing below is the Eurekalog dump.

    Again. Please contact Jason Southwell of www.arcanatech.com about
    developing a IntraWeb-friendly webtier component.


    Nols Smit

    <<----------------------Begin of Code---------------------------------->>
    unit TestUnit;


    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
    StdCtrls, Forms, Dialogs, ppComm, ppRelatv, ppProd, ppArchiv, ppFileUtils,

    TForm1 = class(TForm)
    btnRun: TButton;
    ppArchiveReader1: TppArchiveReader;
    procedure btnRunClick(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

    Form1: TForm1;


    {$R *.dfm}

    procedure TForm1.btnRunClick(Sender: TObject);
    with ppArchiveReader1 do
    AllowPrintToFile := True;
    ArchiveFileName := 'DetailedStats.raf';
    DeviceType := 'XHTML';
    TextFileName := TppFileUtils.GetApplicationFilePath + 'XHTML\Stats.htm';

    ShowPrintDialog := False;
    ShowCancelDialog := False;


    <<-----------------------------End of

    <<-----------------------------Begin of EurekaLog

    EurekaLog 5.1.3



    1.1 Start Date : Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:38:56 +0200

    1.2 Name/Description: TestProgram.exe

    1.3 Version Number :

    1.4 Parameters :

    1.5 Compilation Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:36:18 +0200



    2.1 Date : Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:39:02 +0200

    2.2 Address: 005F9CEF

    2.3 Module : TestProgram.exe

    2.4 Type : EAccessViolation

    2.5 Message: Access violation at address 005F9CEF in module
    'TestProgram.exe'. Read of address 000000CC.

    Active Controls:


    3.1 Form Class : TppCancelDialog

    3.2 Form Text : Printing

    3.3 Control Class: TButton

    3.4 Control Text : Cancel



    4.1 Name : ARNOLD

    4.2 User : Nols Smit

    4.3 Total Memory : 1023 Mb

    4.4 Free Memory : 597 Mb

    4.5 Total Disk : 30.27 Gb

    4.6 Free Disk : 16.87 Gb

    4.7 System Up Time: 5 days, 19 hours, 35 minutes, 53 seconds

    4.8 Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz

    4.9 Display Mode : 1024 x 768, 32 bit

    Operating System:


    5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP

    5.2 Build # : 2600

    5.3 Update : Service Pack 2

    5.4 Language: English



    6.1 IP Address:

    6.2 Submask :

    6.3 Gateway :

    6.4 DNS 1 :

    6.5 DNS 2 :

    6.6 DHCP : OFF

    Call Stack Information:


    |Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method


    | Running Thread: ID=3856; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]


    |77D496C2|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA
    | |

    |77D496B8|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA
    | |

    |005FA21A|TestProgram.exe|TestUnit.pas |TForm1|Button1Click
    |39 |

    |77D4BFFB|user32.dll | | |NotifyWinEvent
    | |

    |77D4BFF3|user32.dll | | |NotifyWinEvent
    | |

    |7C90F1CB|ntdll.dll | | |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN
    | |

    |7C90F0A5|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString| |

    |7C90D9BF|ntdll.dll | | |NtFindAtom
    | |

    |77D4E8EA|user32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA
    | |

    |77D4BD41|user32.dll | | |PtInRect
    | |

    |77D4B8BA|user32.dll | | |SendMessageW
    | |

    |77D4E900|user32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA
    | |

    |77D4E8EA|user32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA
    | |

    |77D4D554|user32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA
    | |

    |7C9010ED|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection
    | |

    |77D494DA|user32.dll | | |GetCapture
    | |

    |77D4EB39|user32.dll | | |CallNextHookEx
    | |

    |77D496C2|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA
    | |

    |77D496B8|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA
    | |

    |005FAC6B|TestProgram.exe|TestProgram.dpr| |
    |13 |

    |7C90E64C|ntdll.dll | | |NtSetInformationThread
    | |


    Modules Information:


    |Handle |Name |Description
    |Version |Size |Modified |Path


    |00400000|TestProgram.exe| |
    |2381824|2006-06-15 10:36:20|C:\Program
    Files\Borland\Delphi7\RBServer\Demos\Servers\02. Volume Types\05. Reports in

    |5AD70000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme Library
    |6.0.2900.2180 |218624 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |5D090000|comctl32.dll |Common Controls Library
    |5.82.2900.2180|611328 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |605D0000|mslbui.dll |LangageBar Add In
    |5.1.2600.2180 |25088 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |6A900000|TSS5CUI.DLL |KONICA MINOLTA PCL5c Printer Driver
    | |345039 |2004-03-08

    |71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT
    |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |71AB0000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |82944 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |71AD0000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |22528 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |73000000|winspool.drv |Windows Spooler Driver
    |5.1.2600.2180 |146432 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |74720000|MSCTF.dll |MSCTF Server DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |294400 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |76380000|msimg32.dll |GDIEXT Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |4608 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |76390000|imm32.dll |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |110080 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |763B0000|comdlg32.dll |Common Dialogs DLL
    |6.0.2900.2180 |276992 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |76B40000|winmm.dll |MCI API DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |176128 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |76BF0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper
    |5.1.2600.2180 |23040 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77120000|oleaut32.dll |
    |5.1.2600.2180 |553472 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |773D0000|comctl32.dll |User Experience Controls Library
    |6.0.2900.2180 |1050624|2004-08-04

    |774E0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE for Windows
    |5.1.2600.2726 |1285120|2005-07-26 06:39:48|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77C00000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation
    Libraries|5.1.2600.2180 |18944 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77C10000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL
    |7.0.2600.2180 |343040 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77D40000|user32.dll |Windows XP USER API Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.2622 |577024 |2005-03-02 20:09:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77DD0000|advapi32.dll |Advanced Windows 32 Base API
    |5.1.2600.2180 |616960 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77E70000|RPCRT4.dll |Remote Procedure Call Runtime
    |5.1.2600.2180 |581120 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77F10000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.2818 |280064 |2005-12-29 04:54:36|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |77F60000|SHLWAPI.dll |Shell Light-weight Utility Library
    |6.0.2900.2861 |474112 |2006-03-04 05:33:44|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |7C800000|kernel32.dll |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |983552 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |7C900000|ntdll.dll |NT Layer DLL
    |5.1.2600.2180 |708096 |2004-08-04 14:00:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32

    |7C9C0000|shell32.dll |Windows Shell Common Dll
    |6.0.2900.2869 |8452096|2006-03-17 06:03:54|C:\WINDOWS\system32




    EAX: 00000000 EDI: 00BB6960

    EBX: 00BAB394 ESI: 00BBAC34

    ECX: 00BB6960 ESP: 0012F2EC

    EDX: 00526EF0 EIP: 005F9CEF

    Stack: Memory Dump:

    ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0012F2EC: 00000001 005F9CEF: 80 B8 CC 00 00 00 00 74 4A 8B 96 04 01 00 00
    A1 .......tJ.......

    0012F2F0: 00000001 005F9CFF: B8 B5 53 00 E8 30 1C F4 FF 50 8B C3 E8 BC 00
    00 ..S..0...P......

    0012F2F4: 00000001 005F9D0F: 00 5A E8 BA E9 FF FF 8B C3 E8 AF 00 00 00 8A
    96 .Z..............

    0012F2F8: 005F9C68 005F9D1F: 00 01 00 00 88 50 08 EB 1A 8B D6 8B 83 08 01
    00 .....P..........

    0012F2FC: 0012F330 005F9D2F: 00 E8 17 F9 FF FF 85 C0 74 09 8B CF 8B D6 8B
    18 ........t.......

    0012F300: 0040421C 005F9D3F: FF 53 18 5F 5E 5B C3 8B C0 53 8B D8 83 BB 00
    01 .S._^[...S......

    0012F304: 0012F31C 005F9D4F: 00 00 00 75 2F 83 BB 04 01 00 00 00 75 16 B9
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    0012F308: 00BA1200 005F9D5F: 9D 5F 00 B2 01 A1 28 FB 5E 00 E8 D6 3E E1 FF
    E8 ._....(.^...>...

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    83 u...............

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    74 ice.GetLinkCreat

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    43 or: LinkCreatorC

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    57 lass is nil..SVW

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    0012F328: 00BA2F3C 005F9DDF: 00 A1 44 F5 5E 00 E8 F6 58 FF FF 8B F0 85 F6
    75 ..D.^...X......u

  • edited June 2006

    Send a simple example in zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and we
    can run it here.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    I created one and mailed it.

    Nols Smit

This discussion has been closed.