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Windows 98 Corrupted File

edited June 2006 in General
Sorry for reposting, but i think that no one will see my message mixed with
older ones
I just upgraded from RB9 to RB10 and my application stoped working on
Windows 98. It's saying that the .exe file is corrupted. When I uninstall
RB10 and downgrade to RB9, my application works fine. Please I need a
solution for this in a hurry. I now that this already is a know issue, but
it must have a solution.

Best Regards


  • edited June 2006

    Try using the Default theme for the Report Designer (see article below).
    Some older versions of windows do not support some Windows API functions
    used to draw the newer Office 2003 style themes.

    Other than that there are no known issues with using RB 10 on older verisons
    of Windows.

    Tech Tip: ReportBuilder Themes

    ReportBuilder 10 introduces support for Themes (Skins). There are a couple
    of options for specifying which theme is used.

    1. Report Designer

    From the Report Designer select View | Themes from the main menu and then
    select the theme that you would like to use. The specified theme will be
    stored in RBuilder.ini and used as the default theme the next time you run

    2. RBuilder.ini.

    When deploying an application, you can deploy RBuilder.ini so that
    ReportBuilder will use a specific theme.

    3. TppThemeManager

    At run-time TppThemeManager can be used to programmatically use specify a

    TppThemeManager is defined in ppToolbarTBX.pas. Here are the public class

    TppThemeManager = class
    class function GetCurrentThemeName: String;
    class procedure GetThemeNames(aThemeNames: TStrings);
    class procedure SavePreferences;
    class procedure SetCurrentTheme(aThemeName: String);




    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    another thought--you could be running out of resources. I've had a few
    customers have this problem. AFAICR Windows 9x may says the file is
    corrupted if it runs out of resources. Here's a link:

    http://groups.google.com/groups?as_ugroup=borland.public.delphi.*&q=Delphi Windows 98 exe corrupted&hl=en

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited June 2006

    Thanks for providing that information.

    Running out of resources is indeed very common with Win 9x, I was not aware
    that Win 9x would sometimes report that the file is corrupted in this case.
    I bet that's it!

    Try to re-design the application to manage resources as efficiently as

    - remove forms from the Delphi project's AutoCreate list
    - create/destroy form instances and other object instances only as needed.
    - manage bitmaps and other resources as efficiently as possible
    - check the application for memory/resource leaks using a tool such as

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    - use short names for components, especially forms with many other
    components. It adds up.

    - try a sophisticated EXE packer, eg PECompact from Bitsum Technologies.

    I have an application that will not start in Win98 when compiled freshly.
    Only one datamodule is created at start, and even OnCreate does not fire.
    First, it was sufficient to run PECompact to solve the problem. Now, I even
    have to shorten component names to make it start. Something about a 64k
    limit for some kind of resources in Win98.

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