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How to catch the [OK] click in the print dialog event

edited July 2006 in General
Hi all,

I am using Delphi 7 and RB 9.

How can I catch the event for the [OK] click on print dialog?

What I would like to do is this:
* The user click Print in my app.
* The report is set to DeviceType := Screen, so the report shows up on the
* The user looks at the report and chooses to print the report. He clicks
the printer icon
* The PrintDialog shows up
*** Now I would like to catch the click on the [OK] button

The reason for this is that everytime the user prints a report, I need to
store a copy of that exact report in the DB (InterBase using IBObjects) as a
PDF file.

If the user clicks the [Cancel] button in the print dialog, the report
should not be stored in the DB.

I hope you can help me, thank you in advance



  • edited July 2006
    Hi Claus,

    Tech Tip: Detecting whether PrintDialog's
    Cancel button was Selected

    When the print dialog is displayed to the
    user, you can determine whether the Cancel
    button was selected by using the
    Report.OnPrintDialogClose event.


    procedure TForm1.ppReport1PrintDialogClose(Sender: TObject);

    if ppReport1.PrintDialog.ModalResult = mrCancel then
    ShowMessage('Use chose to cancel the print request');



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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