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Rows of Columns

edited August 2006 in General
I have a report that uses columns and groups, with a new column for each
group. 8 columns, and each group has only 5 or six records, so the data
doesn't take up anywhere near the whole height of the page. Right now, the
9th group begins a new page, but as there is all this empty space at the
bottom of the first page, I would prefer to start another row below the
first row.

If I don't select "Start a new Column" for each group, I get everything on
one page, but each group is below the previous. I would prefer the data to
go across, then down.

Examples/Illustrations follow.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

Simple Data Set, 2 fields: door and route, data sorted and grouped by Door

Current Layout

DoorA DoorB DoorC DoorD...
Route1 Route4 Route7 ...
Route2 Route5 Route8 ...
Route3 Route6 Route9 ...

DoorX DoorY DoorZ
RouteQ RouteT RouteW
RouteR RouteU ...
RouteS RouteV ...

Desired Layout

DoorA DoorB DoorC DoorD...
Route1 Route4 Route7 ...
Route2 Route5 Route8 ...
Route3 Route6 Route9 ...

DoorX DoorY DoorZ
RouteQ RouteT RouteW
RouteR RouteU ...
RouteS RouteV ...

Current Report definition (I'm copying only what I think are the relevant
fields, so if you think I've left something importatnt out, please let me

object rptPrint: TppReport
Columns = 8
DataPipeline = ppReportData
object ppColumnHeaderBand1: TppColumnHeaderBand
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmHeight = 0
mmPrintPosition = 0
object ppDetailBand1: TppDetailBand
PrintHeight = phDynamic
mmBottomOffset = 2540
mmHeight = 4763
mmPrintPosition = 0
object ppDBText2: TppDBText
UserName = 'DBText2'
DataPipeline = ppReportData
DataField = 'rte_id'
Transparent = True
BandType = 4
object ppColumnFooterBand1: TppColumnFooterBand
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmHeight = 0
mmPrintPosition = 0
object ppGroup2: TppGroup
BreakName = 'door_id'
DataPipeline = ppReportData
OutlineSettings.CreateNode = True
NewColumn = True
mmNewColumnThreshold = 0
mmNewPageThreshold = 0
object ppGroupHeaderBand2: TppGroupHeaderBand
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmHeight = 6615
mmPrintPosition = 0
object ppDBText1: TppDBText
UserName = 'DBText1'
DataField = 'door_id'
DataPipeline = ppReportData
BandType = 3
GroupNo = 0
object ppGroupFooterBand2: TppGroupFooterBand
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmHeight = 0
mmPrintPosition = 0


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