Delphi includes the built-in routines WeekOfTheMonth() and WeekOfTheYear() to find the week number. If you are using RAP, these routines are not natively available so you will need to create a passthru function to add them. There is a full example of creating a passthru function for RAP in the ReportBuilder Developer's Guide and in the RAP demos located in the \RBuilder\Demos\0. RAP\... directory.
Delphi includes the built-in routines WeekOfTheMonth() and WeekOfTheYear()
to find the week number. If you are using RAP, these routines are not
natively available so you will need to create a passthru function to add
them. There is a full example of creating a passthru function for RAP in
the ReportBuilder Developer's Guide and in the RAP demos located in the
\RBuilder\Demos\0. RAP\... directory.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors