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Null Values from DB

edited November 2006 in General
in some cases I have a NULL value inside a database value. This is a valid
value and I will display it in the report as blank (''). But I got 0 if the
value in the db is NULL. 0 and NULL are not the same. Is there a way to find
out if a value is NULL? In Delphi I can do that using the IsNull method of
the TField.
I'm using Delphi2006 and RB 10.

Sven Langenkamp

CT Datentechnik GmbH
Eschenstr. 2
D-31582 Nienburg/Weser

Telefon: +49 [0] 5021 - 9724-15
Telefax: +49 [0] 5021 - 9724-18
http: www.ctdatentechnik.de
e-mail: langenkamp@ctdatentechnik.de


  • edited November 2006
    Hi Sven,

    Tech Tip: RAP: Checking for Null Data Values

    The DataPipeline.FieldObjects[] array property provides access to the
    TppField objects. TppField has an IsNull boolean property.

    The notation is DataPipeline.FieldObjects['FieldName'].IsNull


    if Customer.FieldObjects['Addr1'].IsNull then
    ShowMessage('field value is null');


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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