BDS2006 and reportbuilder
We are switching from delphi 5 (RB7.x) to BDS2006 (RB10.x). We did some
modifications in some reportbuilder sources ppCtrls and ppPrnDev. We copied
added both sources from the reportbuilder sources folder to our application
folder and apllied the changes we wanted. Both units were added to our
application (project) in delphi. In delphi 5 this worked ok, now when we do
the same in BDS2006 we always get the error message '... is complied with a
different version...' on compile, if we remove both report builder units
from our project and delete the dcu files in the application folder
everything works Ok again. What's the appropriate way to get, using modified
report builder units in a project, this working?
Filip Moons
We are switching from delphi 5 (RB7.x) to BDS2006 (RB10.x). We did some
modifications in some reportbuilder sources ppCtrls and ppPrnDev. We copied
added both sources from the reportbuilder sources folder to our application
folder and apllied the changes we wanted. Both units were added to our
application (project) in delphi. In delphi 5 this worked ok, now when we do
the same in BDS2006 we always get the error message '... is complied with a
different version...' on compile, if we remove both report builder units
from our project and delete the dcu files in the application folder
everything works Ok again. What's the appropriate way to get, using modified
report builder units in a project, this working?
Filip Moons
This discussion has been closed.
There have been numerous changes and fixes to the ppCtrls and ppPrnDev files
since RB 7. We strongly recommend against using the old source files with
RB 10. My suggestion would be to try to manually add the changes you've
already made to the new source files included with RB 10. You could perhaps
load both files in a difference viewer and merge your changes quickly.
What types of changes have you made? Note that if you altered the interface
section of any of the RB classes, you will not be able to use RAP as we do
not provide the source for that feature.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
changes from the past on the new RB10 units. When i put some breakpoint on
the added code in the new units (put in application folder) the changed code
is neglected unless i put the '....\ReportBuilder\Sources' in the search
path but then i get the '... is compiled with a different version...' on
compile because off the complied dcu files from both report builder units in
the application folder (I think). Do we need to changes any paths in Delphi
when using changed report builder sources?
We didn't altered any interface section of the RB classes, we just did some
very minor code changes in these units
function TppDBText.GetTheText: String;
function TppDBCalc.GetTheText: String;
procedure TppPrinterDevice.ReceivePage(aPage: TppPage);
Filip Moons
What is the exact error you are receiving? Be sure you only have source
files in your library path (i.e. \RBuilder\Source\...). Also, try replacing
the source files in the \RBuilder\Source directory with the changed files so
there is only one copy of the source file for the application to use.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
-I removed my 2 alteredl RB units from my application
-I deleted my 2 alteredl RB dcu files from my application folder
-I added 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Source' to the BDS2006
-Compiling my application results in '[Pascal Fatal Error]
FCT33110u.pas(26): F2051 Unit raParser was compiled with a different version
of ppRTTI.TraRTTIClassRegistry'. If i remove 'C:\Program
Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Source' from the BDS2006 libarypath everyting
works again.
Just adding 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Source' results in
compiling errors without any altered any RB units added to my application.
How can i force RB to compile its units when i do a build of my application
project without getting the '[Pascal Fatal Error] FCT33110u.pas(26): F2051
Unit raParser was compiled with a different version of
ppRTTI.TraRTTIClassRegistry' on compile?
Filip Moons
successfully compile off of the RBuilder\Source directory. Let me know the
exact version and edition of ReportBuilder are you using and I'll install a
fresh copy on my machine and see if I can recreate the error.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
BDS2006: Version 10.0.2558.35231 Update 2, Hotfixed
installed source. You may have a corrupt installation. Try reinstalling
ReportBuilder, then remove the \RBuilder\Lib directory from your library
path, and add \RBuilder\Source. Then try to compile and run one of the RB
demos in the \RBuilder\Demos directory. If this works correctly, try
compiling your application.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
the library path when the compile error occurs? Do i have to remove the lib
path when i add the source path and vica versa?
you want to use the other so you know for sure which files Delphi is using
to build your app.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Manually deleted 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder'
Checked for RB BPLs: Deleted RB*.BPL in C:\WINDOWS\system32
Checked for pp*.pas
Installed RB10.05
Launched Delpi 2006: 'Can't load package C:\Program
Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\lib\dclRBC1010.bpl.....Do you want to attempt to load
this package the next time a project is loaded? Yes/No'
Uninstalled and reinstalled RB10.05
Launched Delpi 2006 same error message 'Can't load package C:\Program
Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\lib\dclRBC1010.bpl.....Do you want to attempt to load
this package the next time a project is loaded? Yes/No'
Replaced 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Lib' to 'C:\Program
Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Source' in Tools|Options|Delphi
Options|Library - Win32|Library path
Opened 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Demos\0. RAP\1.
Compile&Build Ok
Opened 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Demos\1.
Compile&Build Ok
Opened our application project
Same '[Pascal Fatal Error]
unit FCT33110u;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
_FrmSBProcDruk, FCT33110D, ppVar, ppFilDev, ppPrnDev, ppArchiv, Db,
dxmdaset, ppDBPipe, ppParameter, ppModule, ppBands, ppCtrls,
ppRegion, ppMemo, ppReport, ppPrnabl, ppClass, ppStrtch, ppSubRpt,
ppCache, ppProd, cxCurrencyEdit, cxTextEdit, ExtCtrls, RzBorder, ppDB,
ppRelatv, ppDBJIT, ppComm, ppEndUsr, TXComp, cxStyles, cxContainer,
cxEdit, cxDropDownEdit, cxImageComboBox, cxMaskEdit, cxCalendar,
StdCtrls, cxControls, cxSplitter, RzStatus, RzPanel, Buttons, ActButton,
ActPanel, cxGraphics, raCodMod; <<<<<<<<<<
Opened 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Demos\0. RAP\1.
added raCodMod to interface|uses
Same compile error
[Pascal Fatal Error] rpMain.pas(24): F2051 Unit raIDE was compiled with a
different version of ppDsgner.TppDesignerWindow
now, if i delete these line(s) from my dfms will this have impact on the
report printouts?
object raCodeModule1: TraCodeModule
ProgramStream = {00}
in the whole project. Attached log file shows only found files in
'\__history\' subfolders. Now when i compile i get '[Pascal Fatal Error]
LEXAct.dpr(861): F2051 Unit raParser was compiled with a different version
of ppRTTI.TraRTTIClassRegistry' LEXAct.dpr is the project file??????????
I want this fixed so i can do some reaaaal work!
Please send all attachments to
If you are certain you are not using any RAP in your project, then there
should be no need for the raCodMod file to be brought in. Do a find in
files on the TraCodeModule class to be sure there are no more references to
Note that since you are still getting these errors with your project and
they are not showing up with the demos, it indicates that your application
is trying to reference a file (perhaps an old .dcu or .pas file) that has a
different interface than the one included with ReportBuilder. Re-Check your
application paths to be sure there is nothing old being pulled in.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Open 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Demos\0. RAP\1.
Main\RAP.bdsproj' or any other demo project.
add raCodMod to interface|uses
Same compile error
[Pascal Fatal Error] rpMain.pas(24): F2051 Unit raIDE was compiled with a
different version of ppDsgner.TppDesignerWindow
This means when 'ReportBuilder\Source' added to librarypath you can not use
RAP in BDS2006. The same thing worked in Delphi5 with RB7.x
I'm very sorry but I'm at a loss. Since the release of RB 10.05 we have had
no other customers report any problems using the provided source with RAP
(raCodMod). raCodMod is essential for RAP to function and is automatically
added to just about any report using RAP. In my testing with a new
installation of RB 10.05 Enterprise for Delphi 2006 Update 2 with Hotfixes,
I am able to compile and run the RAP demo even if I add raCodMod to the uses
clause and I am able to create a simple app using RAP that has raCodMod
brought in automatically. If there is no difference between the code we are
executing, there must be something different between our environments that
is causing the error on your machine.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Open 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RBuilder\Demos\0. RAP\1.
Main\RAP.bdsproj' or any other demo project.
Delphi Librarypath:
Delphi Browsing path:
Rap.dpr|Options|Directories/Conditionals: All empty except for Unit aliases:
[Pascal Fatal Error] RAP.dpr(15): F2051 Unit raParser was compiled with a
different version of ppRTTI.TraRTTIClassRegistry
I get the same compile errors on 2 different machines. You should get the
same results as me unless you are compiling on a machine which has access to
the rap relating units which we don't have. If not well then maybe i'm doing
something wrong but i don't have a clue what is going wrong.
If i add the 'ReportBuilder\Source' to the delphi librarypath > Compile RAP
Demo > Compile Error
If i add the 'ReportBuilder\Lib' to the delphi librarypath > Compile RAP
Demo > Compile Ok
I finally figured out was wrong (More or less). Our application project file
was seriously messed up. I created a new application project, readded all
forms/units and everything (Compile/Build) is working fine again. Sorry for
wasting your time.
Filip Moons
Not a problem. I'm happy to hear you got it working .
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors