Not enough storage
Fairly often, when I try to run a report I get the following error message:
Not enough storage is available to process this command.
I am running with EurekaLog and it has traced the error back to
Unit: ppViewr.pas
Class: TppScreenDevice
Procedure: CalculateScaledPageSize
Unit Line: 1796
Proc.Line: 36
I have included the EurekaLog Error messages.
Thanks in advance,
EurekaLog 6.0.8
1.1 Start Date : Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:45:27 -0600
1.2 Name/Description: TrevB.exe - (Insight Salon and Spa Software)
1.3 Version Number : 2007.5.30.0
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:45:22 -0600
1.6 Up Time : 23 seconds
2.1 Date : Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:45:51 -0600
2.2 Address : 023079BF
2.3 Module Name : vcl70.bpl - (Borland Component Package)
2.4 Module Version:
2.5 Type : EOutOfResources
2.6 Message : Not enough storage is available to process this
2.7 ID : E3A5
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :
3.1 ID : TrevorB
3.2 Name : Supervisor
3.3 Email :
3.4 Company :
3.5 Privileges: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege - ON
SeSecurityPrivilege - OFF
SeBackupPrivilege - ON
SeRestorePrivilege - ON
SeSystemtimePrivilege - OFF
SeShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege - OFF
SeDebugPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemProfilePrivilege - OFF
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege - OFF
SeLoadDriverPrivilege - ON
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege - OFF
SeUndockPrivilege - ON
SeManageVolumePrivilege - OFF
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege - ON
SeImpersonatePrivilege - ON
Active Controls:
4.1 Form Class : TppPrintPreview
4.2 Form Text : Print Preview
4.3 Control Class: TButton
4.4 Control Text : Close
5.1 Name : TREVORB-XP
5.2 Total Memory : 1023 Mb
5.3 Free Memory : 374 Mb
5.4 Total Disk : 55.9 Gb
5.5 Free Disk : 14.65 Gb
5.6 System Up Time: 2 days, 8 hours, 37 minutes, 30 seconds
5.7 Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz
5.8 Display Mode : 1600 x 1200, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : SAPPHIRE RADEON 9600 ATLANTIS (driver -
RAM 128 MB)
5.11 Printer :
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build # : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 2
6.4 Language: English
6.5 Charset : 0
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class
|Procedure/Method |Line |
|Running Thread: ID=1612; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]
|40003445|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_FreeMem | |
|40003440|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_FreeMem | |
|40005C98|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject
|FreeInstance | |
|400060DA|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_ClassDestroy | |
|400060D8|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_ClassDestroy | |
|0230B5D2|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |
|TBitmapImage | |
|40005CE0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject |Free
| |
|40005CD8|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject |Free
| |
|0230B578|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TSharedImage |Release
| |
|0230B55C|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TSharedImage
|Reference | |
|0230D1FA|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|NewImage | |
|0230D211|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|NewImage | |
|0230C69F|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|CopyImage | |
|0230C63C|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|CopyImage | |
|0230DE08|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|SetWidth | |
|007792AF|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|CalculateScaledPageSize |1796[36] |
|00779108|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|CalculateScaledPageSize |1760[0] |
|00778DD2|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderFullBlankPage |1670[11] |
|02383928|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|AlignControl | |
|0237F8CC|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|RequestAlign | |
|40005EF0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_CallDynaInst | |
|02380432|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|SetVisible | |
|00778D80|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderFullBlankPage |1659[0] |
|00778B97|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderPage |1606[17] |
|00778AE0|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderPage |1589[0] |
|0077825A|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|EventNotify |1269[5] |
|006C7548|TrevB.exe |ppComm.pas |TppCommunicator
|SendEventNotify |791[14] |
|006C74E8|TrevB.exe |ppComm.pas |TppCommunicator
|SendEventNotify |777[0] |
|0075A8B0|TrevB.exe |ppClass.pas |TppCustomReport
|DoOnNoData |4094[14] |
|0075A7F8|TrevB.exe |ppClass.pas |TppCustomReport
|DoOnNoData |4080[0] |
|00706B0B|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|CreateNoDataMessage |2286[34] |
|00706A28|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|CreateNoDataMessage |2252[0] |
|00705476|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|FinishPage |1518[52] |
|007052D8|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|FinishPage |1466[0] |
|00703F97|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|GeneratePage |729[76] |
|40006E74|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_LStrAsg | |
|00760570|TrevB.exe |ppClass.pas |TppGroup
|RefreshBreakValues |8120[2] |
|00703D3C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|GeneratePage |653[0] |
|0070414C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|RestorePage |814[52] |
|0070402C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|RestorePage |762[0] |
|00703B6A|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|Generate |562[25] |
|00703B0C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|Generate |537[0] |
|00703A1A|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|RequestPage |501[30] |
|0071B2B7|TrevB.exe |ppReport.pas |TppReport
|RequestPage |1930[25] |
|0078F397|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher
|DoOnPageRequest |1233[11] |
|0078F338|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher
|DoOnPageRequest |1222[0] |
|0078F09B|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher |Publish
|1043[16] |
|0078F038|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher |Publish
|1027[0] |
|00787944|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PublishReport |1341[1] |
|007879F2|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToDevices |1398[10] |
|007879A0|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToDevices |1388[0] |
|0071B198|TrevB.exe |ppReport.pas |TppReport
|PrintToDevices |1891[13] |
|0078897E|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PreviewFormActivateEvent |2020[8] |
|006D9395|TrevB.exe |ppForms.pas |TppForm
|Activate |526[4] |
|006D936C|TrevB.exe |ppForms.pas |TppForm
|Activate |522[0] |
|00714EE4|TrevB.exe |ppPrvDlg.pas |TppPrintPreview
|Activate |146[7] |
|023A0F98|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|CMActivate | |
|40005F93|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject
|Dispatch | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|7E41B3A2|user32.dll | |
|DefWindowProcW | |
|0034FD64|adsd70.bpl |Adsdata.pas |TAdsDataSet
|InternalCreateTable | |
|00350913|adsd70.bpl |Adsdata.pas |TAdsDataSet
|CreateTable | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|7E42F3C7|user32.dll | |
|SendMessageA | |
|4034BF10|dbrtl70.bpl|Db.pas |TDataSet |Open
| |
|009977BB|TrevB.exe |Services.pas |TfrmServices
|CallCancel |1444[152]|
|7E42F383|user32.dll | |
|SendMessageA | |
|023A1DE0|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|ShowModal | |
|00787B7D|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToScreen |1508[23] |
|00787AF8|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToScreen |1485[0] |
|0078780D|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer |Print
|1283[12] |
|007877AC|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer |Print
|1271[0] |
|0071A0C9|TrevB.exe |ppReport.pas |TppReport |Print
|1042[5] |
|00BF2650|TrevB.exe |rpt_ProfProdUsage.pas|TfrmProfProdUsageRpt
|btnOKClick |359[65] |
|02381BD4|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Click
| |
|02371DE8|vcl70.bpl |Stdctrls.pas |TButton |Click
| |
|02371DCC|vcl70.bpl |Stdctrls.pas |TButton |Click
| |
|40005EF0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_CallDynaInst | |
|02371EDC|vcl70.bpl |Stdctrls.pas |TButton
|CNCommand | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|7E41BFFB|user32.dll | |
|NotifyWinEvent | |
|7E4188CC|user32.dll | |
|GetWindowLongW | |
|7E4188D5|user32.dll | |
|GetWindowLongW | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384BC9|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|7C9010ED|ntdll.dll | |
|RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|4002FE98|rtl70.bpl |Classes.pas |TThreadList
|UnlockList | |
|4002FE94|rtl70.bpl |Classes.pas |TThreadList
|UnlockList | |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|0230B240|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |
|FreeMemoryContexts | |
|02384929|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|7C90F1CB|ntdll.dll | |
|RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
|7C90F0A5|ntdll.dll | |
|RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString| |
|7C90D9BF|ntdll.dll | |
|NtFindAtom | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02381868|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Perform
| |
|02381844|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Perform
| |
|02385487|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|WMCommand | |
|0238547C|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|WMCommand | |
|023A087C|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|WMCommand | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02387318|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|HandleNeeded | |
|02387341|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|GetHandle | |
|0238733C|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|HandleNeeded | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|7E41B8FE|user32.dll | |
|SendMessageW | |
|7E41F658|user32.dll | |
|CallWindowProcA | |
|7E41F642|user32.dll | |
|CallWindowProcA | |
|02384D7B|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|DefaultHandler | |
|02382040|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|WMLButtonUp | |
|02382030|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|WMLButtonUp | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|7E4194DA|user32.dll | |
|GetCapture | |
|02384ABF|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|IsControlMouseMsg | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|023D06AD|vcl70.bpl |Appevnts.pas
|TCustomApplicationEvents|DoMessage | |
|7E4196C2|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|7E4196B8|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|023A5608|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessage | |
|023A56C2|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|HandleMessage | |
|023A56B8|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessages | |
|023A1DF5|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|ShowModal | |
|00C82B87|TrevB.exe |BarMain.pas |TfrmBar
|ProfProdUsageRIClick |6261[12] |
|02394986|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TMenuItem |Click
| |
|02395E33|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TMenu
|DispatchCommand | |
|02395E20|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TMenu
|DispatchCommand | |
|02396D46|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TPopupList |WndProc
| |
|7E41F85B|user32.dll | |
|CallNextHookEx | |
|02396C95|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TPopupList
|MainWndProc | |
|023D06AD|vcl70.bpl |Appevnts.pas
|TCustomApplicationEvents|DoMessage | |
|7E4196C2|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|7E4196B8|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|023A5608|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessage | |
|023A56C2|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|HandleMessage | |
|023A56B8|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessages | |
|023A585C|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication |Run
| |
|00C9946A|TrevB.exe |TrevB.dpr | |
|341[56] |
|7C90E64C|ntdll.dll | |
|NtSetInformationThread | |
Not enough storage is available to process this command.
I am running with EurekaLog and it has traced the error back to
Unit: ppViewr.pas
Class: TppScreenDevice
Procedure: CalculateScaledPageSize
Unit Line: 1796
Proc.Line: 36
I have included the EurekaLog Error messages.
Thanks in advance,
EurekaLog 6.0.8
1.1 Start Date : Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:45:27 -0600
1.2 Name/Description: TrevB.exe - (Insight Salon and Spa Software)
1.3 Version Number : 2007.5.30.0
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:45:22 -0600
1.6 Up Time : 23 seconds
2.1 Date : Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:45:51 -0600
2.2 Address : 023079BF
2.3 Module Name : vcl70.bpl - (Borland Component Package)
2.4 Module Version:
2.5 Type : EOutOfResources
2.6 Message : Not enough storage is available to process this
2.7 ID : E3A5
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :
3.1 ID : TrevorB
3.2 Name : Supervisor
3.3 Email :
3.4 Company :
3.5 Privileges: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege - ON
SeSecurityPrivilege - OFF
SeBackupPrivilege - ON
SeRestorePrivilege - ON
SeSystemtimePrivilege - OFF
SeShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege - OFF
SeDebugPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemProfilePrivilege - OFF
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege - OFF
SeLoadDriverPrivilege - ON
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege - OFF
SeUndockPrivilege - ON
SeManageVolumePrivilege - OFF
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege - ON
SeImpersonatePrivilege - ON
Active Controls:
4.1 Form Class : TppPrintPreview
4.2 Form Text : Print Preview
4.3 Control Class: TButton
4.4 Control Text : Close
5.1 Name : TREVORB-XP
5.2 Total Memory : 1023 Mb
5.3 Free Memory : 374 Mb
5.4 Total Disk : 55.9 Gb
5.5 Free Disk : 14.65 Gb
5.6 System Up Time: 2 days, 8 hours, 37 minutes, 30 seconds
5.7 Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz
5.8 Display Mode : 1600 x 1200, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : SAPPHIRE RADEON 9600 ATLANTIS (driver -
RAM 128 MB)
5.11 Printer :
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build # : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 2
6.4 Language: English
6.5 Charset : 0
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class
|Procedure/Method |Line |
|Running Thread: ID=1612; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]
|40003445|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_FreeMem | |
|40003440|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_FreeMem | |
|40005C98|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject
|FreeInstance | |
|400060DA|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_ClassDestroy | |
|400060D8|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_ClassDestroy | |
|0230B5D2|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |
|TBitmapImage | |
|40005CE0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject |Free
| |
|40005CD8|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject |Free
| |
|0230B578|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TSharedImage |Release
| |
|0230B55C|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TSharedImage
|Reference | |
|0230D1FA|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|NewImage | |
|0230D211|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|NewImage | |
|0230C69F|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|CopyImage | |
|0230C63C|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|CopyImage | |
|0230DE08|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TBitmap
|SetWidth | |
|007792AF|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|CalculateScaledPageSize |1796[36] |
|00779108|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|CalculateScaledPageSize |1760[0] |
|00778DD2|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderFullBlankPage |1670[11] |
|02383928|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|AlignControl | |
|0237F8CC|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|RequestAlign | |
|40005EF0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_CallDynaInst | |
|02380432|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|SetVisible | |
|00778D80|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderFullBlankPage |1659[0] |
|00778B97|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderPage |1606[17] |
|00778AE0|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|RenderPage |1589[0] |
|0077825A|TrevB.exe |ppViewr.pas |TppScreenDevice
|EventNotify |1269[5] |
|006C7548|TrevB.exe |ppComm.pas |TppCommunicator
|SendEventNotify |791[14] |
|006C74E8|TrevB.exe |ppComm.pas |TppCommunicator
|SendEventNotify |777[0] |
|0075A8B0|TrevB.exe |ppClass.pas |TppCustomReport
|DoOnNoData |4094[14] |
|0075A7F8|TrevB.exe |ppClass.pas |TppCustomReport
|DoOnNoData |4080[0] |
|00706B0B|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|CreateNoDataMessage |2286[34] |
|00706A28|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|CreateNoDataMessage |2252[0] |
|00705476|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|FinishPage |1518[52] |
|007052D8|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|FinishPage |1466[0] |
|00703F97|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|GeneratePage |729[76] |
|40006E74|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_LStrAsg | |
|00760570|TrevB.exe |ppClass.pas |TppGroup
|RefreshBreakValues |8120[2] |
|00703D3C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|GeneratePage |653[0] |
|0070414C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|RestorePage |814[52] |
|0070402C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|RestorePage |762[0] |
|00703B6A|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|Generate |562[25] |
|00703B0C|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|Generate |537[0] |
|00703A1A|TrevB.exe |ppEngine.pas |TppEngine
|RequestPage |501[30] |
|0071B2B7|TrevB.exe |ppReport.pas |TppReport
|RequestPage |1930[25] |
|0078F397|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher
|DoOnPageRequest |1233[11] |
|0078F338|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher
|DoOnPageRequest |1222[0] |
|0078F09B|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher |Publish
|1043[16] |
|0078F038|TrevB.exe |ppDevice.pas |TppPublisher |Publish
|1027[0] |
|00787944|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PublishReport |1341[1] |
|007879F2|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToDevices |1398[10] |
|007879A0|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToDevices |1388[0] |
|0071B198|TrevB.exe |ppReport.pas |TppReport
|PrintToDevices |1891[13] |
|0078897E|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PreviewFormActivateEvent |2020[8] |
|006D9395|TrevB.exe |ppForms.pas |TppForm
|Activate |526[4] |
|006D936C|TrevB.exe |ppForms.pas |TppForm
|Activate |522[0] |
|00714EE4|TrevB.exe |ppPrvDlg.pas |TppPrintPreview
|Activate |146[7] |
|023A0F98|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|CMActivate | |
|40005F93|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject
|Dispatch | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|7E41B3A2|user32.dll | |
|DefWindowProcW | |
|0034FD64|adsd70.bpl |Adsdata.pas |TAdsDataSet
|InternalCreateTable | |
|00350913|adsd70.bpl |Adsdata.pas |TAdsDataSet
|CreateTable | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|7E42F3C7|user32.dll | |
|SendMessageA | |
|4034BF10|dbrtl70.bpl|Db.pas |TDataSet |Open
| |
|009977BB|TrevB.exe |Services.pas |TfrmServices
|CallCancel |1444[152]|
|7E42F383|user32.dll | |
|SendMessageA | |
|023A1DE0|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|ShowModal | |
|00787B7D|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToScreen |1508[23] |
|00787AF8|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer
|PrintToScreen |1485[0] |
|0078780D|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer |Print
|1283[12] |
|007877AC|TrevB.exe |ppProd.pas |TppProducer |Print
|1271[0] |
|0071A0C9|TrevB.exe |ppReport.pas |TppReport |Print
|1042[5] |
|00BF2650|TrevB.exe |rpt_ProfProdUsage.pas|TfrmProfProdUsageRpt
|btnOKClick |359[65] |
|02381BD4|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Click
| |
|02371DE8|vcl70.bpl |Stdctrls.pas |TButton |Click
| |
|02371DCC|vcl70.bpl |Stdctrls.pas |TButton |Click
| |
|40005EF0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
|_CallDynaInst | |
|02371EDC|vcl70.bpl |Stdctrls.pas |TButton
|CNCommand | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|7E41BFFB|user32.dll | |
|NotifyWinEvent | |
|7E4188CC|user32.dll | |
|GetWindowLongW | |
|7E4188D5|user32.dll | |
|GetWindowLongW | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384BC9|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|7C9010ED|ntdll.dll | |
|RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|4002FE98|rtl70.bpl |Classes.pas |TThreadList
|UnlockList | |
|4002FE94|rtl70.bpl |Classes.pas |TThreadList
|UnlockList | |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|0230B240|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |
|FreeMemoryContexts | |
|02384929|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|7C90F1CB|ntdll.dll | |
|RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
|7C90F0A5|ntdll.dll | |
|RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString| |
|7C90D9BF|ntdll.dll | |
|NtFindAtom | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02381868|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Perform
| |
|02381844|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Perform
| |
|02385487|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|WMCommand | |
|0238547C|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|WMCommand | |
|023A087C|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|WMCommand | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02387318|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|HandleNeeded | |
|02387341|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|GetHandle | |
|0238733C|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|HandleNeeded | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|7E41B8FE|user32.dll | |
|SendMessageW | |
|7E41F658|user32.dll | |
|CallWindowProcA | |
|7E41F642|user32.dll | |
|CallWindowProcA | |
|02384D7B|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|DefaultHandler | |
|02382040|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|WMLButtonUp | |
|02382030|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
|WMLButtonUp | |
|02381A98|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|7E4194DA|user32.dll | |
|GetCapture | |
|02384ABF|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|IsControlMouseMsg | |
|02381910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
| |
|02384B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
| |
|02384914|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
|MainWndProc | |
|023D06AD|vcl70.bpl |Appevnts.pas
|TCustomApplicationEvents|DoMessage | |
|7E4196C2|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|7E4196B8|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|023A5608|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessage | |
|023A56C2|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|HandleMessage | |
|023A56B8|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessages | |
|023A1DF5|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TCustomForm
|ShowModal | |
|00C82B87|TrevB.exe |BarMain.pas |TfrmBar
|ProfProdUsageRIClick |6261[12] |
|02394986|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TMenuItem |Click
| |
|02395E33|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TMenu
|DispatchCommand | |
|02395E20|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TMenu
|DispatchCommand | |
|02396D46|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TPopupList |WndProc
| |
|7E41F85B|user32.dll | |
|CallNextHookEx | |
|02396C95|vcl70.bpl |Menus.pas |TPopupList
|MainWndProc | |
|023D06AD|vcl70.bpl |Appevnts.pas
|TCustomApplicationEvents|DoMessage | |
|7E4196C2|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|7E4196B8|user32.dll | |
|DispatchMessageA | |
|023A5608|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessage | |
|023A56C2|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|HandleMessage | |
|023A56B8|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
|ProcessMessages | |
|023A585C|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication |Run
| |
|00C9946A|TrevB.exe |TrevB.dpr | |
|341[56] |
|7C90E64C|ntdll.dll | |
|NtSetInformationThread | |
This discussion has been closed.
This is not a known issue with ReportBuilder. Which version of RB and
Delphi are you using? How large are the images you are trying to
print/view? Are you able to single out certain reports that cause this
error? If so, perhaps you could send us a working example we could run here
to try to recreate the issue.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
This problem happens in both D7 and D2007. We are using the latest version
of RB in D2007 (the one released right after SP3 for D2007). It happens to
all the reports. Once I start to get the error, then I will get it on all
reports. There are no images on any of the reports that I am trying to
print, just text.
I wish I could re-create the problem in a simple project, however, the error
does not happen all the time. I can sometimes go for hours without getting
the error message. Then I will get it until I reboot the computer.
Sometimes closing all the other open propgrams will get it to work again,
but not always.
We have not seen this error before with RB 10.07 nor has it been reported by
any other customers. Have you been able to recreate the error on multiple
machines? Are you able to recreate it using the included demos? Any more
information you can give that might help us recreate the error here is
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I have a similar issue using RB 7.04 and Delphi 5. We have some pretty
complex reports, with multiple subreports including nested subreports, and
using in upwards of 20 tables to build the report. I have seen issues like
this when running a number of consecutive reports from our system. The
number of successful reports that I can generate depends on the amount of
data in the report, but there are instances where printing 20 or 30 reports
in a row will generate the Not Enough Storage message the Trevor mentions.
In addition to this message I have also seen another one that occurs just
about every other time: "The parameter is incorrect." Both messages are
trapped in the same try..except block.
Initially suspecting I had a memory leak somewhere, I painstakingly went
through my application and did find some minor issues, along with one in
Report Builder (I reported it and it was addressed), and a couple in
Gnostice (also reported and fixed) which we use for exporting to PDF.
None of the items found cured the problem, so I went through and recoded
some sections to try to and use less memory. The end result was a slight
improvement in the number of reports I could generate, but it would still
error out eventually.
Although these reports are fairly large, I do use caching. With all of the
subreports I was seeing some pretty strange behavior when navigating through
the Preview screen prior to this. Most of our customers use client machines
with at least 512MB of memory, so I am ok with the caching.
My report object resides on its own form. The form, along with all of the
report objects and tables involved are created for each report, then freed
when the report has printed or exported - i.e. when the form closes. Each
report completes before the next report runs. I have isolated this code so
that all I need to do is pass a single Survey Number which is the key field
for all the associated report tables. Therefore nothing should be resident
in memory.
I can reproduce this using my application, though the reporting side is a
bit too complex to simply put a test scenario together. I have suspected
page caching, but I have turned that off and still encounter the same
errors. Could there be something leaking in Report Builder that is causing
Jeff Guidotti
Does this occur on every report you run? Have you tried running this with a
newer version of ReportBuilder? Have you tried running your memory manager
software against your RB source directory? Numerous fixes have been made
since the release of RB 7.04 (for later versions).
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Because it seems that it is leaking, it will occur on whatever report
happens to push the memory usage over the threshold.
RB 7.04 is the only version I have, I suppose I can get a trial of RB 10 and
see if that resolves it, though I haven't done that yet.
I believe I did run the leak detection software against the source, but I
will try it again and come back and post my results.
graph as an image. Ofcourse, if I try to run few (around 10) accounts
yeilding about 100 pages of PDF then it runs fine, though not all pages have
images. However, it startes acting weirdly when we cross over 25 accounts.
It simply stops with the Not enough Storage error message towards the last
We also notice that if we don't the storage error then we get some random
access violations. When we put log messages it almost always points towards
the charting and imaging code that we have. While we are still profiling our
code, I thought there may be something going in RBs code as well since the
same report runs fine sometimes. One of our customer even reported a Out of
memory error too. Doesn't matter if I reboot the machine or not.
We are running on a XP Pro machine with 2GB RAM and our Dev environment is
D7 with RB 10.06 with Pragnaan components.
1. Try updating to RB 10.07 and see if that helps the issue.
2. Are you able to see the error if you remove all charts and images from
your report(s)?
3. What is the error you are receiving? "Not Enough Storage" or "Out Of
4. Have you tried running your app through a memory manager such as FastMM?
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
See below.
If you are still getting the problem with RB 10.07, please send a minimal
example that demonstrates the issue (some of the time) in .zip format to and I'll try to recreate it here on my
machine(s). Also, let me know the specifics about your setup (OS, Delphi
update number, Regional Settings, etc.).
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I don't know how I can put together a sample project for the issue as simple
reports always seem to run. But maybe I could simply create a chart image
with lots of random data just to increase the size. I will need some time to
do this. Windows XP Pro SP 2 OS, Delphi 7 with latest update, English - USA
regional settings, all windows updates applied.
We are trying to address the random access violations first and then focus
on the memory issues. I will test some more after that and let you know.
Also, I downloaded RB 10.07 but did not download as I thought it may not be
compatible with Pragnaan's version 2.15. they have released version 2.17 for
RB 10.07 but we have not yet received it.
does storage mean here?
Is it a windows system error, if yes then the code?
What areas of the report could generate this error?
Any information will be helpful for us to focus on the right part of our
This is not a ReportBuilder error message (which is why it is so difficult
for us to track down without the ability to recreate it on our machines).
Are you able to perhaps break when the error occurs and see where in the RB
code the problem is occuring?
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors