How to access the print button in the preview
I'm migrating from RB 6.03 to 10.07.
I want to modify the print button in the preview.
In 6.03, I used a custom preview class, in the constructor I got the
Toolbar, and one of the components (a TSpeedButton) was the print button.
In 10.07, the components of the ppPreview are
- a TppTBRootItem
- a TppTBXChevronItem
- a TppTBXToolbarView
How can I access with one of these components the print button?
Thanks in advance
I'm migrating from RB 6.03 to 10.07.
I want to modify the print button in the preview.
In 6.03, I used a custom preview class, in the constructor I got the
Toolbar, and one of the components (a TSpeedButton) was the print button.
In 10.07, the components of the ppPreview are
- a TppTBRootItem
- a TppTBXChevronItem
- a TppTBXToolbarView
How can I access with one of these components the print button?
Thanks in advance
This discussion has been closed.
You can access the buttons directly from the report object or create a
custom preview as you did in RB 6.
Accessing the buttons from the report...
procedure TForm1.ppReport1PreviewFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
TppPrintPreview(ppReport1.PreviewForm).PrintButton.Visible := False;
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thanks a lot for the answer.
In RB 6 the print button was a TSpeedButton, so I could use the
OnMouseUp event to get the shift state.
In RB 10 the print button is a TppTBXItem, which is a descendant of
TComponent, which has only OnClick.
Is there any way to get the shift state when clicking on the print button?
Thank you very much for your answer,
Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) schrieb:
I looked at the TB/TBX source but do not see a way to do that. The
architecture is such that each tool Item, such as a button, has an
associated ItemView and ItemViewer class. This provides a model view
controller type of architecture, but does makes extending things more
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors