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Two Reports In One?

edited February 2008 in Subreports
Hi There,

I'm fairly new with ReportBuilder, working with it for 2 weeks now! I
need to join 2 reports together, so i've created a main report and
removed the header/footer, so that there is only a detail band. I left
the Report.DataPipeline unassigned.

I then added two subreports to the detail band and set each to
PrintBehavior = pbSection.

I need to now use subreport1 for the first report and subreport2 for the
second report, but i'm not sure how to do this! It's probably a silly
question but help would be greatly appreciated!

Many Thanks
Sheldon B

--- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com


  • edited February 2008
    Hi Sheldon,

    Once you have two section subreports in the main report, you will treat each
    subreport as a separate report. If you are creating these reports from
    scratch, simply tab over to each subreport's design and begin creating. If
    you are loading templates at runtime, you can simply access the
    Subreport.Report.Template property.

    For more information on how this should be done, I recommend spending some
    time with the Developer's Guide and looking over the Tech-Tips newsgroup.
    The ReportBuilder help also contains a wealth of information about each


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2008
    Thanks so much that did help...

    Still one area I'm bogged with though. My first subreport 'A' is set up
    with specific primary and secondary sorts. Now the second report 'B' is
    set up with different sorts to report 'A'. This means when I preview my
    report on one set of sorts, the first subreport looks fine but the
    second does not! (and vice versa)...

    Any Suggestions?
    Many, Many Thanks
    Sheldon B

    creating. If

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited February 2008
    Hi Sheldon,

    Are these subreports connected to the same datasource (datapipeline)? If
    so, you may want to create a separate datasource for each report, each with
    their own query sorting the data as they should.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.