I want to change property YOrigin of TBarSeries. I do: TeeChart1.Chart.Series[1].Clear; TeeChart1.Chart.Series[0].Add(10,'Prévu',RGB(0, 128, 255 )); then, if I try TeeChart1.Chart.Series[0].YOrigin := 50; is not ok How do ?
The XOrigin and YOrigin properties are not part of the TSeries ancestor. You need to typecast the series as a TBarSeries like you would in Delphi for it to compile correctly in RAP.
The XOrigin and YOrigin properties are not part of the TSeries ancestor.
You need to typecast the series as a TBarSeries like you would in Delphi for
it to compile correctly in RAP.
TBarSeries(TeeChart1.Chart.Series[0]).YOrigin := 50;
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors