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Send mail with preview in mail client

edited May 2011 in General

I have a strange behaviour with Report Builder and I am unable to solve it,
so .. here am I :)

The problem is that some of my clients using Outlook get the mail sending
dialog in the background of my application and can't use it. Even the focus
on that window is not possible, so the only thing is to kill my app and
restart it again.

Using Delphi 2010, Report Builder 11.x

If I execute the following code, I get the earlier mentioned problem.

Logger.Log(llInfo, 'Sending via MAPI.');
Engine.EmailSettings.PreviewInEmailClient := true;
Engine.EmailSettings.UserName := ''; // For Outlook, to
solve the problem with profiles
Logger.Log(llInfo, 'Sending mail, To: '+MailSettings.AddrTo+', Bcc:
'+MailSettings.AdrBcc+', From: '+MailSettings.AddrFrom);

I hope I have been understandable, because it's diffucult to describe the
problem. I can sen a picture or a short video in nobody can understand me.

Please help me, because my clients are very irritated about this :(

Kind regards,


  • edited May 2011
    Hi Marko,

    Which actual version of ReportBuilder are you using? We had an issue
    like this with some earlier versions of RB 11 that I believe were
    resolved. Try upgrading to RB 11.08 and see if that solves the problem.

    Contact info@digital-metaphors.com with your serial number for upgrade


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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