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MasterDataPipeline changed after Preview

edited July 2011 in General

i have three DataSources with Pipelines:
PipeA -> SourceA
PipeB -> SourceB
PipeC -> SourceC

SourceB has MasterSource SourceA and SourceC has also MasterSource SourceA.
PipeB has MasterDataPipeline PipeA and PipeC has MasterDataPipeline PipeB,
so different from the sources to achive a "visual" grouping.

After Startup of the Designer everything looks fine. PipeA has a subpipeline
PipeB, PipeB has a subpipeline PipeC.
After switching to Preview and Back, the Pipelines have a new order: PipeA
has two direkt subpipelines PipeB and PipeC, corresponding to their
So why does this behave differently? I thought, the
MasterDataPipeline-Property is only for visual purposes with DBSources? How
can I achive a different visual grouping for the Pipelines as for the

Kind regards,
Wolfgang Hanke


  • edited July 2011
    Hi Wolfgang,

    I'm sorry but I'm a bit unclear about what you are trying to accomplish.

    When creating a Master-Detail report, you have two options, you can
    either use manual Delphi linking (using parameteres and the
    MasterSource) or use Datapipeline linking using the MasterDataPipeline
    property and the link dialog. You cannot use both.

    See the following article on the subject as well as take a look at demos
    61 and 64 which highlight the difference between the types of linking.



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2011
    Hi Nico,

    were you able to reproduce the different behaviour after switching to
    Preview and back?

    I dont want to use the MasterDataPipeline for data traversal, but only for
    visual purposes (which is pointed out in your source code: "Setting this
    property causes the data pipeline to be represented within the Data Tree of
    the Report Designer as nested within the data pipeline specified in master
    data pipeline")

    My DataSets are linked with MasterSource and Masterfields set and everything
    works fine with data traversal. Only the visual appearance in the data tree
    of the report designer is my problem. On startup it works,after preview its
    broken (data traversal still works fine, its only a visual problem)

    If its just "you cannot use both" i think i have to look for a different
    solution, but my confusion began with the different behavior...


  • edited July 2011
    Hi Wolfgang,

    As I mentioned before, you can either use one method or the other to
    link your datasets. If you link your datasets using pipeline linking,
    you will enjoy faster reports and the relationships will be shown
    visually in the Data Tree.

    Is there a reason you do not want to use pipeline linking? The demos I
    suggested you have a look at highlight the benefits of using this feature.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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