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Possible RB Enhancements

edited July 2011 in General
1. Most of my reports are fairly simple Title-Header/Groups-Detail type
reports. This one report I am working on is a form fill-in type report of
about (conditionally) ten pages.

Each section may include it's own sub-report(s). If the client requests a
style change, like changing the font size/style of the title band, I have to
go manually through the whole report changing each sub-report's caption in
its' title band.

So, I thought it would be a useful enhancement to be able to style a title
band, for instance, and have the font properties, band colors, etc. the same
for all title bands in the report.

I'm not sure how DM would implement this, but Raize components has a "frame
controller" component, that can be connected to any Raize editing control, and
the attached component gets the settings of the frame controller. If a frame
controller setting changes then the individual component sets that new
setting. And you can still override a frame controller's setting for an
individual control.

2. Widow / orphan protect. The KeepTogether property doesn't provide a fine
enough granularity when printing. In this big report, there is lot of
conditional printing of sub-reports, and sometimes the KeepTogether property
forces a page change, leaving quite a bit of blank space on the previous page.

Thanks for the consideration.



  • edited July 2011
    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the suggestions, we appreciate all user feedback.

    I'm a bit unclear about how you would change the KeepTogether feature.
    The idea is that if a stretchable component runs off a page, the entire
    component will move to the next page (leaving white space on the
    previous page). How would you change this behavior?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2011
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    the designer's ZOOM, please. Still waiting it since YEARS. With current
    high res monitors it's a pain to design a report without having such a
    BASIC feature!

  • edited August 2011
    On 07/25/2011 9:04 AM, Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:
    Sorry for not replying sooner, Nico.

    WRT to the KeepTogether property, I guess the simplest explanation is that
    KeepTogether is "all or nothing". Alternatively, a rule for a widow/orphan
    protect option might be "The Title and/or group bands and a couple of detail
    lines must be printed together".

    If you need a concrete example, I can send a couple of PDF's of the report to
    the Tech Support address that will illustrates this.

  • edited August 2011
    I just wanted to express that I fully agree and would love to see a zoom
    feature! Stephan...
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