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Changing TppTextFileDevice.QuoteChar in RAP?

edited August 2011 in General

Firstly, we're using RB 12.05.

We have a report that is required to export to CSV where the CSV should not wrap text fields in double-quotes ("). Based on previous comments in the newsgroup we could theoretically change this behaviour by changing TppTextFileDevice.QuoteChar.

Is there a way to do this via the RAP within the report template? If not, is there aother way to do this without writing native Delphi code.

Some background - Our application suite uses ReportBuilder for its reporting requirements, so we have a standard way of generating reports. We'd prefer to not have to write Delphi code just to modify some behaviour of a particular report as the Delphi code would impact all of our reports.

If it is not possible, could we then request a feature:

For the properties of the Report object, there are PDFSettings, RTFSettings and XLSSettings. Is it possible to have a TextSettings or CSVSettings property to allow us to control the behaviour of exporting the CSV file?



  • edited August 2011
    Hi Nicholas,

    The QuoteChar property is not natively available in RAP. A pass-thru
    function would be necessary to access it from within the template.

    Thanks for the feedback, we will consider adding a property to alter the
    TextFile settings for a later release of ReportBuilder.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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