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Accessing Data

edited August 2011 in General
Hello. We are using RB12.05 Build 224. We have several complex reports
combined with large datasets. Therefore, upon previewing a report, we
receive an "Accessing data..." message for an extended period of
time....sometimes several minutes.

Question: Is there a way to cancel an "accessing data" process mid-stream?
The "cancel" button is present on the preview screen but cannot be used
while in this state.

Thanks in advance!



  • edited August 2011
    Hi Brian,

    The "Accessing Data" message is displayed between the time when a device
    starts the job and the first generated page is received. During this
    time, the data connectivity components you are using are simply trying
    to make a connection to your database. A slowdown here can be caused by
    a number of items.

    If after a connection has been made, the pages are then generated
    quickly, the culprit is likely not ReportBuilder but the data connection
    itself. This can be poor network speed, or slow authorization, etc.
    Unfortunately once control has been passed to the connectivity
    components, it is not possible for RB to halt the process until a page
    is received.

    Try setting your library path to the RB source and pausing your
    application during this time and see where the bottle neck is occuring.
    Maybe this will give us more insight on where the problem is.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2011
    Hello Nico,

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I know where and why a slow down is occurring.
    Unfortunately, it is a combination of a very complex report and a very large
    data set neither of which I can do much about.

    Let me further explain my question:

    You see, we have a list box containing all of the reports in our
    application. The user just clicks the report they want and it is
    immediatelly displayed in the embedded "preview" window we have containted
    within a panel. This makes it very easy to execute reports, but if they
    inadvertently select one of the very complex reports, they must sit very
    long and wait for "accessing data" to finish before clicking anything else.

    I guess what I am asking is; Is there any way to "Cancel" the "Accessing
    data" process while it is working?

    Thank you,


  • edited August 2011
    Hi Brian,

    This is the equivalent of canceling a query once it has executed. You
    can try making a call to Pipeline.Close and see if that works. That
    will essentially call TDataSet.Close on your data however depending on
    the connectivity, it may need to wait until control is given.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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