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ppDBText text vertical alignment

edited October 2011 in General
I have a small problem. I am printing to some form the name of city
where the form is being printed. Since ppDBText does know word wrap I
have enlarged the component vertically so it can accomodiate 2 lines.
The question is how to verticaly align the text internally so if the
text fits on one line, it is aligned to the bottom edge of the
component while if there must be 2 lines, then the second line is on
the bottom edge of the component? If this can't be accomplished with
usual components, maybe using RAP?
P.S: I am using RB 12.05 on Delphi XE, Win 7 64bit.

With best regards,
Goran Brumen
AUDAX d.o.o.


  • edited October 2011
    Hi Goran,

    Vertical alignment of text within a textbox is currently not supported
    however we have this on our todo list to possibly research for a later

    Currently it should be possible to re-position the draw command once it
    has been created based on its height. Try using the OnDrawCommandCreate
    event to find out the height of the created DrawCommand and then
    reposition its Top (on the page) where it needs to be.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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