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Label size limitation

edited December 2011 in General

I am trying to print (Using an Epson LX-300) labels with height of
25,45cm. For some reason the height is being rounded either to 25,5 or 25,4.
This results in an accumulation of error.

My question is: Is this limitation a RB limitation or a printer



  • edited December 2011
    Hi Ricardo,

    ReportBuilder is capable of making precise measurements down to the
    nearest micron. Are you manually setting the PrinterSetup.PaperHeight
    property? When is the value being rounded? Have you tried setting this
    value with a different printer driver?

    ReportBuilder does not support cm measurements. To get the measuerment
    you need you would have to use mm report units set to 254.5. In my
    testing with my HP printer, this was possible.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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