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Top-Anchor for region not always working (version 14.01)

edited December 2011 in General

I get the following behaviour which I think is not correct:

1) I put a region into a band and set the top- and the bottom-anchor
2) The region is positioned 10mm below the top of the band

On expanding the height of the band the region grows as expected.
On reduce the height of the band the region firstly is moved to the
top of the band and afterwards its size gets reduced.

For right/left anchors the behaviour is correct, I think.

I this behaviour a bug or is it by design?

Thank you,
Josef Gschwendtner



  • edited December 2011
    Hi Josef,

    Thanks for pointing this out. There is now a patch available for RB
    14.01 that solves this issue. Send an email to
    support@digital-metaphors.com to get the patch.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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